“Why are you still even here? I’m not interested in security trying to ensure that my safety and well-being is attended to,” I say, standing up tall but even my five-foot six-inch height is dwarfed by his presence.

“Well, that’s a damn shame because I intend to immensely enjoy that part of the job. Now behave yourself and take this,” Jay says, handing me a pill, his eyes sparkling, as he daringly clutches the towel in the middle of my breasts and pulls me toward him.

I am about to sound off, but the look in his eyes is blazing into my own, and it stifles my initial retort, and instead, I end up swallowing the capsule and allowing him to guide me into the bedroom. “Face down on the bed,” Jay says, pushing me gently against its downy softness.

“I’m going to pull your towel down so I can treat your wounds,” he says, and when he talks, for some unknown reason I listen to that husky, velvety voice. My head nuzzles against the pillows, and he pulls the towel down, halting right above my ass, and begins softly stroking my bare back gently with something calm and soothing.

“You showered, but I want to clean the superficial wounds with Hibiclens. These two stripes, we’re going to let heal a little, though,” he says, trailing the liquid over my heated skin.

“How’s that feeling?” Jay says.

“It feels better, it helps,” I say as I start to relax.

“Good, now lay still so I can apply an antibiotic cream. We don’t want an infection to set in,” Jay says, his heavy hand lying against my waist, keeping me firmly pressed against the bed while he gently applies the cool cream to my damaged skin. “I’m going to get you dressed, feed you, and then you’re going to get a good night’s sleep. Stay right where you are, let the cream soak in while I get you something to wear,” Jay says.

My core heats at his words. The thought of him wanting to dress and feed me excites me, but he thinks that I am his responsibility, and doesn’t have any real interest in me. He’s made that clear. He’s only interested in taking care of my security because he’s being paid to, and I’ll be damned if I’m anyone’s paycheck.



I rummage in the dressers,finding no clothes in the drawers of the guest room, and move to the master suite a few doors down. I quickly look through the contents of that dresser, finding cotton t-shirts that are soft enough for her back, but there’s no fucking way I’m dressing her in Brian’s clothes, and I shut the drawer with a thud. Brian had his chance with her, and from what I can gather he dumped her after a few quick fucks. She still clearly wants him after he gave her the boot, and I can’t get the vision of him and her together out of my mind, and it continues to piss me off.

As soon as Brian’s head of security went rogue, Chase Prestian asked me to take over the head of security position for Brian Carrington. I went through the taped conversations between the two after he called it off, her trying to get him back, repeatedly. I still can’t comprehend why a beautiful woman like her would waste her time, sacrifice her dignity, calling and messaging him time and time again, even showing up on his Skype account in a hot red teddy, baring her small pert breasts to him, only to be rejected yet again.

I hastily open the next two drawers and find what I’m looking for. Stretchy camis in a multitude of colors. Pure white cotton and spandex ones that look like they will fit, and picturing in my mind the lace around her little tits along with the lace on the bottom of her undergarments covering just the top of her firm ass makes my dick hard.

The next drawer contains a variety of undergarments, all thongs with diamonds, pearls, and other glitz sewn into their design, but I’m not about to put her into the panties of the new girlfriend of her previous boyfriend. Besides, I like the fact that if I keep her bare, I’ll have easy access to that luscious little ass if she gives me any more difficulty tonight. I grab a couple different colors of the cute little camis, along with a pair of stretchy looking pants and a hoodie that are hanging in the closet, and a pair of low top sneakers that are slide on style and should work, at least to get her home tomorrow.

I walk back into the room expecting to find her where I left her, where I told her to stay, where I planned to dress and feed her, but she’s fucking gone!

I hit the group message on my phone, alerting my entire security team that something has headed south, instructing them to begin a search of the condo, leaving nothing unturned.

I stalk my way through room after room and eventually run into Celia in the kitchen. She’s stirring a pot of chicken soup and looks up in surprise at my unexpected arrival.

“Have you seen Sasha? She’s not upstairs, we can’t find her,” I say.

“That girl is hurting, Jay,” she says, seemingly calm and collected when offering her advice. “Check the lower level,” Celia says.

I send a gesture to the security team, and in less than three minutes I’m at the door that will open into the lower levels of Brian Carrington’s penthouse. I turn the handle, and as the door swings forward, I hear little sobs in the distance. Sasha must be in the playroom off to the side of Brian’s safe room. “I’m going in alone, stay at the top of the entrance, and I’ll text you if I need you,” I say.

“You’re breaking protocol again,” one of my security team reminds me.

I raise my eyebrows in question, but then just as quickly give him a nod because I respect him for both acknowledging it and calling me out on it. “I know Cole, but I need to do this alone. Go upstairs and take the team with you. I’ll be okay,” I say, perfectly aware it’s the second time tonight that I’ve broken our rules, the protocols my men and I usually hold sacred. Cole nods, and they head up the stairs while I venture forward, following the soft sobs that are emanating from the corner of the room.

I find the blonde-haired beauty sitting against the headboard of an ornate styled bed, atop a deep purple bedspread, her knees pulled up against her chest and her chin resting against them. I walk toward her slowly, careful not to scare her, but something makes my chest beat hard as I get close to her. She’s sobbing, and the tears are flooding her eyes and running down her cheeks. The fact that she’s sitting in this room filled with memories of her and Brian, bawling her eyes out, makes me want to hit something right the fuck now, but I need to focus on what she needs, so I tighten my jaw instead.

“You gonna stay down here all night or you wanna go back upstairs?” I say.

“You’re not interested, and I get that. What you Americans say, loud and clear,” she says, raising her hands and gesturing quotes in the air. “And I don’t need or want your help,” Sasha says, looking at me with those sky-blue fuck me eyes.

I let her comment settle. She’s not crying over Brian. She’s pissed at me because she thinks I’m not interested. I try hard not to smile, but I need to turn momentarily so that she does not see my upturned lips. She has no clue how seductive she is, and I have no intention of letting her know how much I want her, have desired her since the very first time I saw her, or how relieved I am that her anger is directed at me and not Brian.

I turn back around, taking in every inch of her disheveled appearance, and damned if the hurt in her eyes and those tears don’t make me feel like a bastard. “I turned down the sexual advances of someone that’s been hurt tonight, on medication, and may not be thinking straight, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you, Angel,” I say, lifting her chin so she has no other option other than to look at me.

It’s clear the medication has taken hold of her as the tears continue to spill from her gorgeous eyes. “When I decide our time is right I’ll take care of your little pussy, but you should know your ass is going to be on fire for your disobedience tonight,” I say, wiping her tears with my fingers.

Her eyes widen, and her pupils dilate, turning hazy with lust. I watch as her breathing alters and her body physically softens and her eyes lower so I can’t see her desire. Fuck, she couldn’t be more submissive if she tried. “Angel, why did you run, and before you answer, I want the truth,” I say, lifting her chin so I can see her eyes again.