I follow the redhead who’s heading for the elevator, trying to make her getaway, not that she knows I’ve spotted her. She gets in as I reach the doors, and I hold them before she has a chance to push a button. “Allow me,” I tell her, stepping into the elevator with her. “Which floor?”

Her eyes are watchful. “First floor lobby, please.”

I push the button to the lower level, and the door closes. The light scent of her floral perfume wafts under my nostrils in the enclosed space. I turn my full attention to her, taking in the cupid-shaped mouth and heart-shaped face. The blue eyes that are set wide apart with high, thinly-shaped eyebrows create an exaggerated arc that only emphasizes the intent of her stare.

Most people have a nervous tell when I’m this close, but she’s either extremely good at keeping her emotions in check or she’s simply not afraid. Both interesting in their own right. I turn the full weight of my stare to her, and even in her strappy four-inch heels she has to look up. “Reporters aren’t welcome in the club, Izzy Arden.”

Her eyes widen at the use of her name. “If you’re here on personal business and not for work, we can make arrangements to get you a pass,” I tell her, glancing down at my phone to see if Renzo has been able to find out who she came with.

Her gaze doesn’t waver. “Last time I checked it was a free country, Mr. Larussio. One in which when you pay a membership to a club as elite as this and decide to bring a plus one, which by the way is not in any way, shape, or form against the rules, your guest would not be harassed by the owners.”

I nod. “Who did you come with?”

Those blue eyes flash. “Does it matter?”

“Only if you plan to print what you saw tonight.”

Izzy laughs. “You mean the story about Dominic and the De Rosa princess putting on a show for me and all the others who will leave the club and then go call her daddy?” She shrugs. “I haven’t decided if it’s newsworthy enough, or if I should find something a little juicier.” She leans in close. “Do you have any secrets you want to tell me? Anything that would sell a few papers?” she asks.

My jaw tightens with irritation, wishing to fuck something had come back on the screening I had done of her after the first story that she wrote. Something that would have told me who she was dating that would have allowed me to stop her from being admitted to the club. “Go home and don’t come back.”

Izzy laughs, a gentle soft melodic sound. “Don’t worry, Lorenzo. I’m sure there are better stories than the little kiss I just saw back there. If I dig deep enough, perhaps a body or two might pop up?”

My jaw tightens and spine straightens. I close the distance between us, placing my hands on either side of her as the elevator slowly makes its way to the lower level from the top floor of the skyrise.

The pulse on the side of her creamy neck beats in time with my own pulse. Her eyes flash in defiance, but she’s as turned on as me. She may be as aroused at the close proximity of our bodies, but she’s not scared. Something I find very interesting and arousing in itself.

I lean closer, my nose rubbing against the sensitive shell of her ear. “Be very careful, Izzy. Some things are better left buried. Stay away from my fucking family.”

She swallows hard, and the pulse of her neck begins to beat erratically, showing a little fear for the first time. “There now, maybe a bit of self-preservation will kick in,” I tell her as the door opens, and my arms drop to the side.

The melodic sounding and tough as nails reporter doesn’t waste the chance I’ve given her and uses it to bolt through the doors and away from me.

I watch her heart-shaped ass sway back and forth all the way down the long, tiled hall of The Larussio Resort until she reaches the main reception area and walks out the front entrance. That woman is going to be nothing but trouble. I pound out a message to Renzo, because finding out who she came with is even more important now. The rules may say that a guest is permissible, but not if it’s her.

Because that plus one is nothing but trouble…



I count,inhaling and exhaling to keep myself calm, all the way back to the main entrance of the resort. Lorenzo Larussio may not be the boss or don, but he’s rumored to be just as ruthless, smart, and cunning. You don't get to be the consigliere of a notorious crime family, cousin or not, without having a great strategic mind and earning the respect of the family.

My eyes scan the street as I head to my car in the parking garage reserved only for the employees. I swipe the badge to get back inside, still feeling little prickles of apprehension. Everyone knows that what Lorenzo Larussio wants, he gets.

In Italy, the legends are well known, but I have no doubt it’s true wherever he goes. It probably makes no difference to him if it’s through careful negotiations over a fine meal, or by the point of a knife in a dark back alley.

He had to be the one in the club tonight. It was stupid to think that I wouldn’t run into him. Chances are if it had been Salvatore or Dominic, I may have gone unnoticed. Hell, I did go unnoticed by Dominic. He was far too wrapped up in De Rosa’s daughter to pay me any mind.

The minute I’m in my silver Mazda SUV and the doors are locked, I get Larry on the overhead and pull out of the secluded garage. “Hey, Larry.”

Larry sounds out of breath. “You find anything, Izzy?”

I grin, passing through the exit of the garage with my newfound badge, because sometimes pulling the wool over a wolf like Lorenzo is just too much fun even if my heart is still clamoring like a freight train. “Dominic and the De Rosa girl are definitely a thing. Whoever your source was nailed it. He made a big show of kissing her right in front of all the patrons in the private club tonight. A big fuck you to her dad I’m guessing.”

“No doubt. You get any good shots?”

I turn off the strip into a little side street and park. “Give me a sec.” I pull the gold ornamental pin from my sweater dress, put the end into the attachment, then plug it into the port and wait while the photos load to my phone. I scroll through them in the dark until I find what I’m looking for. “Yep, got it. A clean shot of the kiss. No disputing who either of them are. It’ll make great front-page news for the local paper, and you can most definitely sell some of the rights to the entertainment mags,” I tell him.