Page 80 of Devious Bastard

She giggles. “Yup. He still chases me through the woods while wearing it. We’re building a house and have been living in the RV on his property. I love the RV, but I’m really looking forward to the house being finished.” She bites her lip, eyes sparkling. “Although I’ll miss him scaring me while I’m alone inside the RV, then chasing me.”

I grin. “He’ll only get more creative once you move into the house.” Pausing a few beats, I worry my lower lip between my teeth before confessing. “Evan wears the Ghostface mask for me. It’s hotter than hell.”

Devyn holds her hand up, and we high-five. “Yas, girl. Get it.” She laughs and then grows serious. “I know you’re probably worried about funding since Preston cut you off. But don’t. I was also in college, and my parents cut my funding when I chose Ryker. He immediately stepped in and paid for everything.”

A long sigh comes from me. “I hate to ask or expect that of him, though.”

She cocks her head, her long brunette strands shining beneath the lights. “Did he offer to pay?”

“Yes, but—”

Devyn holds up her hand. “No, buts. Evan is rich and in love. He’ll do anything to make your dreams come true. If he could give you the world, he would.”

“I’d love to return the favor, but I’ll never be able to give him half of what I’m sure he can give me.”

Devyn grins. “He’s like Ryker. They don’t see the quid pro quo thing. All he wants is your love. It’s more than enough.” She looks over my shoulder, grinning. “Isn’t that right, Evan?”

I smell his warm amber scent seconds before his arms wrap around me. “That’s all I want in this world.” He nuzzles against my neck. “I have nothing if I don’t have you.”

Ryker comes over, wrapping his arms around Devyn. I look over my shoulder at Evan, my hands interlocking with his over my stomach. “I didn’t realize you had friends with so much in common with us.”

He grins. “I told you I’d love for you to meet them, especially Ryker and Devyn.”

“I’m glad I did. They’re wonderful.”

“Hey, Evan. Lexi. Devyn and I are planning a Thanksgiving feast for our family, which you are now a part of. We’d love you to join us and see our new house.”

“Who’s invited? Jaxson, Zayne, Luca, Trent, and us?”

“Yup.” Devyn’s gaze flicks to me. “Luca may be bringing a plus one. And Trent…” In unison, she and I look over at Trent and Sophia, who are talking in hushed tones, a smile on their faces. “Maybe he will, too.”

“Somehow, I think Sophia will be a part of the festivities.” I grin at her before looking over my shoulder at Evan. He nods, indicating it’s my decision.

Turning to Devyn with a huge smile, my eyes are soft with gratitude. “We’d love to come. And I’m honored you included me in your family.”

Devyn glances at Ryker, and he immediately releases her. Evan releases me as she approaches and throws her arms around me. “You belong with us, Lexi. You didn’t lose anything tonight. You gained all of us.”

I squeeze her tightly, tears in my eyes. A few seconds later, I hear Sophia grumble, “Oh hell. I’m joining in on the love fest.” Then she throws her arms around us, making us laugh. “I love you, crazy girls. Even if you’re bastards for making me cry in public.”

I’m lit up with happiness as the three of us laugh, cry, and hug.

Devyn’s right. I didn’t lose a damn thing. What I gained tonight is priceless.

Evan and I stand in the parking lot, saying goodbye to our friends. Devyn and I exchange cell phone numbers so we can keep in contact.

We wave as they leave. Jaxson, Zayne, and Luca are in one vehicle, while Devyn and Ryker are in another. Trent and Sophia stand beside us. I can’t help but notice how close they are standing.

Sophia shyly glances up at Trent before turning to me. “I think we’re gonna go, too.”

I hug her. “Thanks for everything.”

She squeezes me tightly. “Always, Lexi. You know that.”

Evan and I hold hands as we walk toward his car. I gaze at the corn maze in the distance, thinking about the craziness that transpired.

“Penny for your thoughts, bellissima.”

My gaze slides to him. “I was thinking about what happened. I don’t want that experience to taint me.” His brows draw together, a puzzled look on his face. The crowd has dramatically thinned out as people leave to head home, causing an idea to form.