Page 78 of Sacrifice

The door to the room swung open and the man from the bar raced in, out of breath. “The bikers… they’re here!”

They’re here.

He’s here.

And another,BANG,as though someone was hammering on something.

The men in robes didn’t waste a second. They rushed toward the door, pushing and shoving, fighting to get out. The two men who’d been holding me to the floor looked at each other. The silent agreement between them lasted only a second before they abandoned everything and piled out behind the others.

“Cowards,” Prophet Andrew called after them,

“Sounds like your ride is here,” I hissed, shoving the bastard and his cane to the side and getting to my feet. “Enjoy your trip…to hell.”

He backed away, pushed the door to the room closed, and reached for a candle. “Well, if I’m going…” he said. He held the lit candle to the wall, and the wallpaper instantly ignited, like it was made of gasoline. “I might as well take you with me.”


Scoop swung the sledgehammer again.

The third blow finally sent the front door flying open.

There was no time to be sneaky or try to take them by surprise. I wanted my woman back, and I was ready to go through whoever I damn well had to, to get to her.

The entranceway opened into a hallway. “Blue, Match, go that way,” I ordered, directing them to the left while the rest of us went right.

The rumble of footsteps rattled the floor above us. It felt like a thunderstorm rolling in, getting closer.

We stepped into the open living room and kitchen in time to see a flurry of men, some in long robes, hurry out into the backyard, making a beeline for the back fence. “Do we go after them?” Chase questioned, but I shook my head.

“Missy is still here. We find her.”

“Hawk,” Blue called, and I looked back over my shoulder to see him and Match holding Grace. “She’s in labor. We need to get her to the hospital.”

I rushed over and pressed my cool hand to her forehead.

She let out a gentle sigh before lifting her chin to look at me. “Find Missy. She is so perfect for you, brother. Find her and love her.”

“I do.”

I loved her.

I saw my future with her.

I just hoped Grace would be in it too. “Everything’s going to change after tonight,” I told her. “Be prepared because I’m going to make sure of it. I’m going to make sure his reign ends.”

She swallowed hard. It wasn’t an easy pill to swallow. She knew I planned to destroy the man she and hundreds of people had looked to for guidance and their futures. But she still nodded in understanding. “I hope so. Now go!”

I backed away, watching as my brothers carried her out the front door before I turned toward the stairs. “Chase, Scoop, stay here, and make sure no one surprises us.”

I took them two at a time, Bishop right behind me. My foot had barely touched the landing at the top when a fist appeared out of nowhere. I ducked, and Bishop grabbed hold of the arm, driving the bastard back against the wall, his hand at the guy’s throat.

“Where is she?” my uncle growled, getting right up in his face.

He pointed to the right, and I was suddenly incredibly aware of the smoke that seeped out around the closed door. “Fuck!”

I rushed toward it, covering my face as I drew my boot back and slammed my foot hard into the wooden door. It swung open, and flames swallowed the entire doorway like a monster reaching for me, trying to escape into the rest of the house.

“Hawk, run!” Missy screamed, and I tried to shuffle a little closer, my eyes burning as I fought to see through the blaze. She was standing back, pressed hard against the wall on the other side of the room. “Get out!”