Page 42 of Sacrifice

I had a pounding headache to prove it.

But what exactly had Grace done to cause such a reaction?

Placing my hand over Hawk’s, I gently brushed my thumb across the gnarled scars. “Why the barbed wire?” I questioned, admiring the intricate artwork that, amazingly, disguised a lot of the damage.

“A reminder…” he clenched his teeth for a second before continuing, “… that I clawed my way out of that hell. And they might have hurt me enough to make me bleed, but they sure as hell did not break me.”

I leaned in, pressing my forehead gently against his, though I regretted it instantly when it felt like someone stabbing a knife through my brain. I sucked in a sharp breath. “Dammit,” I cursed and let out a soft scream when I suddenly found myself lifted into the air. I clung to Hawk as he turned and laid me back on the bed, holding his body up over mine with his hands on either side of my head.

“I’m meant to be looking after you…” he growled and shook his head, “… and here you are listening to me ramble about my shitty past.”

I reached up and brushed a couple of stray hairs back from his face. “You tell me your shitty past and maybe I’ll tell you all about mine.”

“I’ll hold you to that. But for now, you need to rest.”

He tried to pull back but I grabbed his cut, holding him in place. “I have to pick up Kadey from daycare.”

“I’ll pick her up,” he answered. Like it was that simple.

I shook my head. “That’s not how—”

“Baby.” Damn this man and his low tone that curls my freaking toes. “Give me an address. I’ll pick her up.”

As if my body was screaming, ‘let someone else help, dammit,’a sudden surge of pain hit me. My stomach swirled, and I pinched my eyes closed, waiting for it to pass. I knew there was no way I was going anywhere until the painkillers Doctor Yates gave me had kicked in. “I need to at least call the center and tell them you’re coming so they don’t call the cops when you try to leave with my toddler.”

He leaned right in, his stubble prickling at my cheek and he lightly pressed his lips against it. “Make your phone call. I’ll get the kid.” He finally stepped back and I pulled in a long deep breath. He turned away but paused and turned back again. “Because I know you’re gonna lay here and overthink everything that happened today. Just know, I’m gonna handle it.”

I swallowed back a rush of tears that burned at my throat. “I should hav—”

“No, you fucking should not have,” he said sternly. “You got help. And that is exactly what you should have done. Grace will be okay. Not only is she one of the strongest women I know, she is far too valuable to The Valley for them to do something that could result in losing her and the babies. I’ll find her, and I will make sure the people who took her learn a valuable lesson about what happens when you touch what’s mine.”

There was no doubt in my mind.

Though I wondered when he saidwhat’s mine, just who he was referring to. I was sure it was his sister. But my heart did skip excitedly for a second at the thought that maybe he meant me.

He stepped closer and pressed another chaste kiss to the top of my head, strategically avoiding my bump. “Rest,” he ordered before walking to the door.

I had a sudden thought before he stepped out. “You’re gonna pick Kadey up in a car, right?”

The smirk he tossed back told me I should never assume. “Sure baby!”

I opened my mouth, but the door was already closing behind him and he was gone.

Damn. This. Man.


“Let’s head down to Backroad,” Bishop announced, scrubbing his hand over his face. This bar would be invaluable for us, but setting the place up had been challenging. “There’s still so much shit to do.”

I nodded. “Missy said she and Gem would be there about now to start cleaning and setting up the bar.”

“Yo, Hawk!” Chase called as he leaned into the doorframe with his shoulder, folding his arms across his chest. “There’s some guy at the front gate demanding to talk to you.”

I raised my brow. “He give you a name?”

We didn’t often have people showing up here unannounced. Most of the time, it was cops trying to pin something on us or people who owed us money trying to keep from getting their asses beat when we showed up to collect.

“He didn’t, but he says he’s your fuckin’ dad.”