Page 98 of Widowed

Another one of my phones went off. “Hello?” I answer.

“Reyna…she’s in the hospital. T-They have her on all these fucking machines. They ambushed us. There are only a few of us alive.”

“What did they do to her?” I shouted angrily. My mind is spinning, and I can’t even imagine what my wife has been through.

He’s silent.

“What the fuck did they do?!” I scream again.

“They beat her…they carved into her skin with blades, and after that, I don’t know. I passed out from my gunshot.”

“Then who took her to the hospital?”

“They just arrived. Like someone wanted some of us alive to tell the story of what happened,” He explains.

Fucking pig. “I’ll fucking kill them.”

“You can’t, they all committed suicide before the cops showed up.”

“Fuck!” I want to set the world ablaze right now. I can’t even kill the pigs who did this.

He told me about the hospital, and I sped over there. When I arrive, I frantically look for my wife, but the doctors tell me she’s in ICU and that I’m not allowed in. I feel lost. She could be dead because of me. I played into his hands and now Reyna is suffering, fighting for her life in a fucking hospital.

I can’t sit still. I felt like I was going to have a fucking heart attack.

A couple of hours later, I was allowed to see her. When I walked into her hospital room, there were bandages on her arms and legs.

“Mr. Novikov, she was in critical condition for a while, but she’s a fighter. She was bleeding out when they arrived at the scene. It’s a miracle she made it to the hospital alive.”

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask.

“Her skull has a slight fracture, and her arms and legs have fractures as well. She was bleeding from the cuts that were on her arms and legs. Footprints were found there. Whoever did this stomp harshly on her arms and legs.” I’m disgusted by what she’s saying. Forcing myself to listen is making me sick.

“Was she…?” I’m alluding to sexual assault.

“She had nail indentation around her breast, but no tissue tear in the vaginal region. Nothing penetrated her body. There were lacerations on the neck. She was strangled there. There were also some on her wrists. She might have been tied down….”

“Stop.” I abruptly interrupted her. I can’t hear anymore. “I don’t want to hear anymore.”

“We will run more tests when she wakes. For now, she needs rest to heal.” The doctor leaves me with Reyna and walks out.

A Week Later


My eyes flicker open, and Kyro is sitting on a chair, staring at me. My body wants to move, but it doesn’t. “My body hurts.” I weakly utter.

“Reyna, don’t speak.” Kyro urges, but I ignore him.

“I’m sorry I got caught, but you killed Tavish, right?” I smile.

Kyro looks at me with horrified eyes, but nods.

I think a few times and try to carry the smile on my face, but tears fill my eyes. “They sure did a number on me. My skin’s all cut up. I’m like Frankenstein’s monster. Have you seen them? My cuts?”

He nods.

“I guess I’m lucky they didn’t cut up my pretty face.” I try and lighten the mood.