Page 96 of Widowed

“Reyna…” The only thing I could whisper was her name. The muse in front of me eyeing me as if I am all she could ever want. I watch every single time she bats her eyelashes at me. She turns around, hovering over me now with her knees on the floor of the tub. Inch by inch, she lowers herself onto my cock and I feel the blood rushing through me once more. I feel the warmth on her cheeks as she leans in to kiss me.

We don’t battle for dominance; we just simply take it slow. Her soft hand twirled the ends of my hair. I have one arm wrapped around her waist while the other sits on her back, close to her neck. She raises her body slightly and then pushes down on my cock. Her gasps are faint, but she continues to do so, and I have to calm down as I find myself gasping.

Water falls from her body, running down her shoulders to her tits as she goes in and out of the water. My head rests on the edge of the tub as I feel the euphoric feeling of my wife riding me.

“Ah…” She struggled.

I control myself, allowing her to ride out her orgasm at her own pace. “That’s it. Take it slow…” I exhale. “Fuck…that’s it. Keep riding my cock, Reyna.” I found myself whimpering, I didn’t think it was possible.

She can’t keep her eyes open as she rides, and it makes me ecstatic. “Oh…fuck…yes!” She screams.

Reyna’s head lies on my shoulder as she whines, exhausted from her orgasm. I rub her back and kiss the top of her head. Her wet curls tickled my face.

“Izzy asked if I was going to get a job.” She brings up.

I scrunch my face. “You don’t need to get one if you don’t want to. I’ll never let you or Prince go hungry.”

“I know, but when I was escorting, I had my own money that I earned. Do not get me wrong, I appreciate all that you do, but I’m more than a wife and mother. I want to do something for myself. That’s my own.”

I nod. “Alright, what did you want to do then? Own a bakery?” I joke and she slaps my arm. Causing the water to splash into my eyes.

“You said we were partners. Why don’t I run the family business with you? Be in the Bratva as more than your wife. I don’t want to overstep those who have come before me, but I want to be in, fully.”

As I worry about my wife’s safety, I can’t hide how proud I am of who my wife has become. “You never cease to amaze me,zhena.”

“That is a woman’s natural gift. Never let men know what you’ll do next.” She winks. Then Reyna pauses and asked, “What are you going to do about the Irish boss?”

“Burn him to ash. That’s the singular solution.” My arms wrapped around her body softly. “I’ll kill them all.”

Reyna smiles, “Good, I want them all to suffer.”

She has become bloodthirsty, and I couldn’t be more in love with her, but then I take a second and realize what makes her bloodthirsty to kill those Irish pigs. It’s Ivan. Her love for him is so strong, it’s admirable. I’m not a fool. I’ve said it before. I will enjoy her in life because I know I’ll lose her in death. I know when it’s over, I’ll cease to feel the warmth of her skin, the dreamy look in her eyes, her charismatic smile, and her will to keep going forward even if it kills her.


Please, Reyna…

Let us live a long life together full of joy and blood.

Chapter 30


Kyro has been having extensive meetings with the Bratva. Planning how they are going to take the Irish down. I have sat in on the meeting as well. Kyro has agreed to let me participate.

“Alek Tavish is running them now. They’re weak, and the only reason they haven’t been eliminated is their treaty with the Italians, but the treaty is finished. Leaving them as an easy kill. They have mocked us, killed our brothers, and disrespected our honor. The Italians will be dealt with in time but for now, we must hold this treaty with them until we can kill off the Irish.” Kyro monologues.

“They took a good supply of firearms. Nothing worse than a bunch of cowards with guns.” One of the men growled.

“That’s fine. Our strength is not just how many guns we can carry. Our strength is in numbers. We might lose some of you to win this war. If anyone has a problem, speak now.” He paces along the warehouse.

“Of course not,Pahkan.” One of them speaks up.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask.

The men turn their eyes to me, as does Kyro’s. “Any pigs we bring home, you’ll be in charge of torturing and killing them off.”

He doesn’t want me on the front lines, and I understand, I’m not ready just yet, but torturing and killing is something I can do.