Page 12 of Widowed

“You’re a very smart kid.” I chuckled softly.

“Well, duh.” He scoffs. “So, back to our outfits.”

Ivan, I will raise him in your image. I will make him into a man you would be proud of. He already has so much of you and Reyna.

Before I can say another word, Reyna walks into the room in a towel. “What did you decide?” She asks.

“All black suits and if you want, you should wear a black dress,” He recommends.

“So, you want us to have dinner asThe Addams Family?”

Prince glares, “You love that movie.”

“Fine.” She groans. “I’ll find a dress while you andGomezget ready.Abuelasays they will be here soon.”

I let Prince change and follow Reyna into our room. While I get ready in my closet, she goes to her designated closet.

My suit matched Prince’s perfectly. It’s endearing that he wants us to match clothing. I take a second to get dressed. When I’m ready, I walk into Reyna’s closet. She is trying to zip up her dress. I come behind her and hold her still; she gasps quietly from my touch, and I smirk at her honest reaction.

“What shoes did you choose?” I ask, and she points to a pair of beige heels. She sits on the bench, and I carefully put her heels on.

“You don’t have to do that…” She mumbles.

I smile, “Yes I do.” Pulling her foot up, I kiss her ankle.

She’s attempting to hide a smile from me. She enjoys being dominated. I wonder if Ivan was the same way with her.

“What are we having for dinner?” She asks.

“I had the chef prepare a Caribbean, Asian fusion style food. Prince told me he was craving jerk chicken, but also chow mein.” I explain.

She laughs. “He has the same taste buds as me. Ivan got sick of the Chinese food that we kept ordering. Prince and I would make him pick it up for us. Prince and I have a bad habit of eating the same thing for a week until we get it out of our systems.” Learning these small habits of hers gives me the feeling that she is warming up to me.

I take her hand and kiss it. “Let’s go set the table before your parents get here.”

“Okay.” She answers without complaint, to my surprise.

After we got everything ready, I got word that Reyna’s parents had arrived.

Prince and I waited for them at the door. I watch as they walk up to the door with cautious smiles and sharp eyes. They greeted Prince and I warmly as they came into our home. Reyna sets a bottle of wine at the table as we enter the room. I pulled out her chair, and she sat down.

“So, Kyro, how did you meet our daughter? This seems all very sudden.” Her father, Dante, asks.

“We met in a restaurant. She and Prince were having dinner, and I saw her from across the room. I couldn’t take my focus away from her. Prince dropped her strawberry lip balm, and I gave it back to her.” I look over at them as I pause. “We exchange numbers and just hit it off ever since.”

Reyna’s mother, Anita, looks at me curiously, “Strange that we had never heard of you.” She comments.

“We were keeping it secret for a while. I didn’t want to pressure Reyna into a committed relationship knowing that her husband had passed.” I lie.

Her parents nod. At least they believe me. “I understand completely. You know, I was also married before I married Reyna’s father. I married Dante a month after my divorce. Everyone thought I was unreasonable for jumping into a new marriage, but when you find that connection, you must hold on.” Anita illustrates.


So far, this dinner is going well, and they suspect nothing. Good thing my parents are hopeless romantics.

“And Kyro, when will we be meeting your parents?” My father asks.

Fuck, he didn’t seem happy when I asked earlier.