Page 72 of Widowed

“I hope Dad likes it. Even if he doesn’t, I’m sure he’ll sell it well.” Prince laughs.

I look at him and then roll my eyes. “If I follow the recipe, it should be fine, right?”


“It’s been a second since you got some ink from me, man. What’s goin’ on with you?” Estephan, my tattoo artist, laughs.

“I’ve been busy getting married. I have a kid now. Lots of changes.” I say, lying down, but it still hurts slightly. The pain from my gunshot wound has subsided in the past two months, but I still need to take it easy.

“That’s good man. I’m happy for you. That’s the dream, you know.” Reyna and Prince do make it seem that way. He turns and gets everything situated. “So, wifey’s name? Don’t come back here asking me to cover it up.” He laughs.

I laugh as well, knowing the stories he must have. “It’s till death with this one.”

“Got it, boss. She sounds like a real one, hard to find.” He gets started on the tattoo that’s going to be on my neck. I cut my initials on her skin; it’s only fitting that I put my wife’s name where everyone can see.

It takes a couple of hours, but after it’s finished, I head home. My phone rings in the car.


“He’s back in New York. I can get him now. What do you want me to do?” Nikolai says through the phone.

“If you have a shot, kill him. I trust your judgment. If you can get him alive even better.”

“Alright. I’ll see what I can do and update you,Pahkan.” He finishes and then hangs up.

I want Reyna and me to kill him, but if Nikolai does it, at least one of us took him out. That fucker has already been breathing air for far too long. If he gets him alive, torturing him will be a treat. We still have those pedophiles to deal with in the warehouse as well. I’ll need to recruit new men. Five of my men broke my rules and proved to be beyond my control. Now they pay for it with their lives. I have been far too relaxed to let something like this occur. If they didn’t fear me before, they will now.

Getting home didn’t take too long. As I walk into the house, I hear a noise coming from the kitchen. I walk over to see Reyna and Prince smiling as if they have been caught doing something wrong.

“What’s going on?” I ask cautiously.

“Mom made you soup. I didn’t taste it myself because I would like to continue living, but you’re her husband, so you don’t have a choice.” Prince explains.

Reyna glares at Prince. “You said you had faith in me.”

“I did, didn’t I.” Prince ponders.

I look down at the soup in the bowl and raise the spoon to my lips. I force myself to swallow it. It tastes just like my mother’s.

“It tastes just like my mother’s,” I comment.

“Really?” Her eyes gleam.

“Yeah, she wasn’t a good cook either.”

Reyna looks at me confused, “But I thought you said your mom always made this for you?”

“She did. I never wanted her to feel bad because that’s all we could afford and so I just ate it.” I chuckled.

“You’re better than me. Growing up, I was super picky, and if I didn’t like something I wouldn’t eat it.” Reyna has been spoiled her whole life.

I laugh at my spoiled wife. She takes the bowl, puts it to the side, grabs another bowl, and passes it to me. This time it’s cereal. “Here.” She sighs, “I know I can make that.”

I pull Reyna into my arms. “Thank you for making this for me. I know you did your best.” I praise.

“Yeah Mom, you are the best! I’m proud of you!” Prince joins in the hug. Reyna glares at both of us, which makes Prince and me laugh.

Reyna’s eyes then goes to my neck. “You got a tattoo?” She glances over and looks deeper at my neck.