Page 68 of Widowed

His cock is still deeply wedged inside of me. Slowly, he pulls out of me as does his cum that trailed after. “Fuck, having a wife is amazing.” He groans.

“Why?” I laugh.

He finds a clean rag and cleans off the rest of the cum leaking from me and then his cock. “I’ve never come inside someone until I met you. God, it’s on another level. It feels so fucking good.”

He uses his cock to catch the cum and pushes the cum deep inside me one last time.

Kyro pulls his pants back up, and I sit up on the cold counter. Kyro takes his shirt from the counter and puts it on me, then lifts me off the counter and onto the floor. I lean my face into his hard chest. “I feel like I’m going to pass out,” I whine.

He wraps around my body as his chest rumbles with laughter. “Well, lucky for you, our bed awaits you.” Me only?

“Just me?” My eyes squint.

“They found the other people who helped distribute those videos. Right now, they’re in the warehouse. Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you out of the fun. You’ll get to torture them all tomorrow when you are well-rested, but I need to find out a plan for the Irish. The last we saw of them was in New York. Nikolai has been managing the territories there so I’m not worried, but if they decide to attack again. We will need to be better prepared.” I feel Kyro’s lips on the top of my head as he explains, his words filling me with a sense of calm.

“Do I need training or something?”

“It wouldn’t hurt if you knew how to shoot a gun, but again, I would never ask you if you were not ready to dirty your hands.”

I close the gap between us. “I’ve already dirtied my hands…”

“Reyna, giving an order is different from doing it yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of the call you made, but when you kill someone with your own two hands, it’s a greater weight.”

I look up into his eyes. “Is that why you enjoy killing?”

“You think I enjoy killing?” He smirks.

“Yes. I can see it in your eyes when you’re in your frenzy.” I answer honestly.

“Does that scare you? That I’m a killer? That I enjoy feeling someone’s blood in my hands. That I get a rush from watching the light of another vacate their eyes.” His line of questioning makes me think.

But ultimately concluded, “If I did, I wouldn’t have married you. As I said before, if you bloody your hands, I’ll bloody mine. Kyro, I will always want you. Never doubt that. You belong with me until we take our last breaths.”

Kyro genuinely smiles. “Growing old with you is my idea of a perfect life. I look forward to it.”

“You might have to fuck me again before you leave.” I lick my bottom lip.

He quickly lifts me, and I giggle louder.

Chapter 21

The Next Day


I couldn’t sleep all night. Why was Maeve at the auction? Kyro just exposed her pedophile father and embarrass her whole family publicly. I thought she wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere near him. Then Rowan seems like he is still in the dark about everything. She must not have told him the truth. She’s smart not to. If Rowan knew anything about Kyro, he would be dead sooner than the Irish.

“Mrs. Novikov, your results are ready.” The doctor says.

“The test shows that you are not pregnant.” I’m not? I got pregnant after the first time, Ivan, and I fucked. Then again, I was almost eleven years younger at the time.

I look over at Kyro. He smiles and rubs my back.

“Okay.” I swallow. “Can we do a fertility test to check my egg supply? You can do that, right?”

The gynecologists smiles and nods. “Of course we can.” She then leaves the room soon after.

I want to smile back, but I’m a little taken aback by the news. It’s not that I want a baby right now, but it’s still disheartening to hear all the same.