Page 6 of Widowed

“Fine. Where is my room?” I sigh.

He leads me to a spacious room. The room includes two walk-in closets. I walk into one and there are clothes and shoes in my size. All completely new designer clothes. In the drawers, there are panties of all styles, bras, and night teddies. There is a jewelry display with lots of necklaces and earrings. He’s thought of everything, hasn’t he?

My curiosity takes over and I look at the other closet. “What’s in the other closet?” I inquire of.

“My clothes.” He response. “We are going to be husband and wife. We will need to share our room. My men live in this estate as well. They will wonder why my wife is not sleeping in the same room as me.” Again, his voice is cold and nonchalant.

I look down at my wedding ring. I have not taken it off. When I got married to Ivan, I was beyond happy. He was everything I ever wanted. I miss hearing his deep accent in my ear, whispering naughty words and sweet dreams. That is how I remember him. Yet, as I look at Kyro and the man he presents to me, I wonder if Ivan was the same when he was working for the Bratva. Did he hurt the innocent? Did he kill women? Or children? I feel like I am spiraling at the thought of the other side of Ivan that I know nothing about.

Kyro suddenly takes my hand; he rubs my wedding ring. “For tonight, sleep in Prince’s room. It is better if he wakes up with you in a strange place. I do not want him to wake up and see that you’re gone.” Ivan was convinced this man could keep us safe, but I worry my husband’s word is not something I can trust anymore.

I look up at Kyro as he towers over me with those frosted blue eyes, and I wonder what he’s thinking. What does he think when he looks at me?

Kyro’s hand moves to my face. “What’s wrong?”

“What was Ivan like when he worked for you?”

Those cold eyes stare fiercely into my own. “Do you truly want to know?”

“Yes.” I shudder at his fingers leaving my face.

Kyro takes a breath as he gestures for me to sit on the sofa in the room. “He conducted himself honorably. When it was required, he would kill. He left the Bratva for you. I did not know about you until two years ago when he left.”

“Two years ago?” So, he was still inthe Bratvawhen we were together.

I met Ivan a couple of years ago. We got pregnant after a couple of months together. Then we got married after Prince’s first birthday. We never had a wedding, but we were legally married. We watched Prince play in the sand that day while we kissed under the sun.

“I have an inquiry since we are baring our truths. Why were you escorting? You have a family background with enough connections.”

“Why not? I make good money, my clients are attractive, and just like any person, I like sex. I’m sure you understand, as a client yourself.” I smirk, but that’s not entirely true. Those men, my clients, were a distraction from the loss of my husband. When they fucked me, I could envision my husband and be happy in my delusion.

He narrows his eyes. “Hiring escorts is not something I do. I did it because it wasyou. I don’t have to pay gorgeous women to get into bed with me, I assure you.” There was a playfulness to his voice that surprised me.

I roll my eyes at his cockiness, but I guess he can be when he looks like he does. Will he be with other women during our fake marriage? Of course, he will, and I should do the same. Find comfort where I can. I do not want to be lonely here.

“When you decide to sleep with whoever, please do not bring them around my son. I don’t do it and you should get in the habit of not doing it as well,” I say before leaving the room.

I get into Prince’s bed and cuddle my baby as he holds onto me. My sweet baby boy.

Chapter 3


She misses him. I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me. I will have to keep a better eye on her. She looks as if she is going to snap sometime soon. When she woke up this morning, I set up a day for her at a spa. It might help calm her nerves.

“Pahkan?What should we do with him?” One of my men looks at me.

As I sit in the warehouse, with my men and enemy, I smile darkly and think of the concepts running through my head. “We just got new explosives, right?”

“Da.”He nods.

“Good, put one in his mouth, then tape his mouth shut,” I order.

The man cowers in front of us. “N-N-No, please!” He whimpers.

“A man should never beg for his life. Spying on us for theYakuza. You better take death with the same confidence you had walking in here. Thinking you could fuck with me.” My tone never wavers. I will not lose my temper over a traitor.

My phone went off. “Yes?” I answer.