Page 5 of Widowed

“That we are getting married and have decided to move.” He replies bluntly.

What did he say? “Married?” I choked out.

“Yes, it will be easier for the Bratva to accept you as my wife. I promised Ivan I would keep you and your son safe. This is me doing that. You don’t have to love me, and I don’t have to love you. When we marry, it will be bound by the promise I made to my brother and the promise you made as his wife to honor him and keep your son alive.”

He holds out his hand and I hesitate to take it. I look into those cold blue eyes once more and test my fate by giving him my hand.

Chapter 2


My driver takes us to Reyna’s home. I have my men pack up all her items. Her son, Prince, is in her arms and fast asleep. As I walk over to her, I extend my arms.

“I’ll carry him.” I offer. He appears to be a burden for her to carry because of his weight. A tall nine-year-old boy. He’s going to be tall like his father. It’s hard for me to look at him now. The closer I am to his face, the more of Ivan I see.

Cautiously, she pulls him close to her chest. “Thank you.” She says before giving him to me.

We go back to the car that will take us to our plane. Prince is still asleep for the ride. Reyna hasn’t said a word to me. I didn’t expect the silence for long. She would adjust to her new life soon enough.


When I read Ivan’s letter for the first time, I continued to read it over and over. I knew what he wanted to tell me was bad, but I didn’t know it wasthisbad. My husband was a mobster, a criminal, a killer. All my memories of him seem altered somehow. Did he ever kill someone and then come home like it was normal?

After a short flight, we arrived at his home. It’s a gigantic estate.

Men are carrying our bags for us as we walk inside.

“I have already prepared your rooms.” Kyro states, “Follow me.” He gestures.

I follow him to a dark room. He turns on the lights, and they decorate the room for your typical kid. As I look at the bookshelf, I see some of Prince’s favorite books and comics.

“How did you…?” I uttered, glancing over at him.

He puts Prince down in his new bed. “As I said, I have been watching over you both for a while. You have a very gifted son. I have chosen a school that will challenge him. He will flourish there.”

“And me? Have you picked out a life for me as well?” I asked, but I didn’t mean to sound so rude.

“I will try to protect you from our world as much as I can, but make no mistake,” He pauses as he walks over to me, “The Bratva is your family. This is permanent. As my wife, you will always have access to me, as will Prince. Whatever you want or need, you call me.”

“Anything else?” This time, it irritated me. He’s just telling me what my life is like now.

“No more escorting. You’ll have access to all the money you need.”

I scoff. “And I’m supposed to just trust that? I have a son. I can’t take the chance that you might change your mind.”

“No one else can access the account except for you. I cannot access it without your permission. I will put money into that account every month.”

My breath hitches as I walk into the hall. “What will our marriage even be? What does a mob boss’ husband look and act like?”

“I’ve never been married or had children. So, I don’t have an answer for you.”

“Will you be home most of the time? Or…”

His eye surprisingly softened. “I am thePahkan, the boss. My schedule is full today with meetings for both Bratva and my legal businesses. I’ll put in my best effort to be home.”

I almost laugh. “And I’ll do what? Sit around and knit a sweater?”

“You can do whatever makes you happy. If you want to work, then work. If you want to stay home, you can do that too.” His voice is so nonchalant. He does not care about me in the slightest. This is a job for him and nothing more. I am the baggage that was passed down to him. For Prince, I am just going to make the most of it and try to forge my way of life.