Page 10 of The King's Queen

Taking a moment to survey my surroundings, I notice I’ve stepped into an alleyway behind the bar. Broken cobblestones worn in by years of use and neglect pave the road. Broken beer bottles,leechecups, and other crimson stained objects I’d sooner forget litter along the walls.


The sound of glass breaking and swearing. A younger voice piques up above the rest. More glass breaking. It’s coming from further down the alley. The dark part. I take a step in the opposite direction when I hear that voice again. Its words are mumbled and intelligible, but sound desperate.

My conscience shoves against my mind as I flit between morals and safety.Don’t intervenemy mind screams.Stick to the shadows.

For whatever reason still unknown to me, I turn and run into the dark of the alleyway, towards the sounds of shattering glass.



Iwas doing fine until she showed up, stepping out into the moonlight with her blue-black hair, shimmering and iridescent. She is beautiful, but I’ve seen plenty of beautiful women before. No, what struck me is how completely and utterly stupid she must be.

She wears simple green trousers, the color of the sage that Mother burns sometimes, and an ivory-colored blouse unbuttoned just to below her collarbones. No armor. No weaponry. No defense.

Tonight started off well enough. Kya found our target quickly and effectively silenced the defenses while I went after the mark. A newer merchant from Varium. I pretended not to see the burning hatred masking the usually gentle slopes of her face and turned my back when she put him down. What you don’t know can’t come back to haunt you.

Then, somewhere between there and our third hit, it all went wrong. An ambush, no doubt from Mavis’ cronies. My assassin was injured, I had to get her out. One thing led to another, and now here I am, bleeding in a dark alleyway with these two oafs bearing down on me.

To an outsider the situation looks bleak, but I have the cards ordered just how I like them. I’ve always preferred the odds to be against me, it’s familiar territory. I have my handle on the hilt of my knife when they relent, and lo and behold there she is.

“Unhand him,” she orders, her voice possessing the commanding power that she herself does not. Idiot Number One and Idiot Number Two look at each other for a moment, then to me, and back to her before bursting out with raucous laughter. It sounds like gravel against gravel.

“I thought we stabbed his bitch already?” the bigger one says, his fist still wrapped in my hair, blood melting among the golden tresses. White hot anger bubbles in my gut. Kya better have gotten out, or I swear, I will tear them apart limb by limb.

“No, you moron.” The weevil looking one smacks Big Guy upside the head with a look of contempt. “That one was different. This one is light.” The third moron in the alley stiffens, her hands already clenching fists at her side. She takes a step forward just as the Weevil does, narrowly dodging the needle he flings from his sleeve. Her pretty blue eyes widen in shock when she sees it sticking out of the stone wall beside her, and I hope that fear is enough for her to leave. The last thing I need is civilian blood on my hands.

“Slippery little...” He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as she throws a quick right hook, the hit landing on his nose with a sickening crunch. The Weevil throws his head back, howling in pain as silver-flecked blood spews from between his fingertips. Pulling his hand back, he stares at the blood, eyes wide, pupils dilated. It forms a streaky path from his nose to between his thin and cracked lips.

“Lupo, deal with him,” He hisses to the goon still holding my head, bloody spittle flying from his mouth, and he speaks, “You’re gonna regret that, bitch.”

“Make me.” Her voice wavers as she speaks, but her feet stand firm, toes facing towards her opponent. She’s going to get herself killed.

Weevil lunges forward, fingers reaching deep into his cloak. I take this as my cue to strike a distracted Lupo, kicking my free leg up directly into his groin. He drops my head on instinct to grip his damaged crotch, and I use the momentum to slam my head into his with a resounding CRACK! Stumbling back against the wall, the large man looks up at me, utterly dumbfounded, as I twirl a glass bottle in my hand.

The glass cascade to the ground, rippling like a miniature waterfall as it shatters over his head. That final look of pure, wide-eyed confusion satiates my pride. Until I hear her.

Spinning hot on my heels, I turn to find Weevil standing a few feet away, the young woman from earlier pressed against his chest. His rusted blade pricks the soft flesh of her neck, but not deep enough to draw blood. Not yet. He wants me without having to shed a woman’s blood. He’d lose a considerable number of fingers if Mavis learned he harmed an innocent woman, the risk has to be worth bringing in the prize. Me.

“She’s not mine,” I speak slowly, lowering the remnant of the broken bottle, my hands up for emphasis. “You know my crew. She’s just some random girl.”

“Maybe, but do you want her blood on your hands,Noiteron?” Weevil digs his filthy weapon deeper into her pale skin. She cries out in pain as the blade draws blood. I suck in a deep breath at what I see. Pure, golden blood. Not gold mingling with red, but pure gold. Her face pales as she notices the golden stream staining her blouse, and she fights to get loose. This only drives the blade deeper. “Well, look here, I’ve found myself a pureblood.” His cackle sends chills up my spine. Purebloods are rare. There are very few of them left. A few hundred years ago, they were hunted to near extinction. Blockheaded nobles believed their blood had medicinal properties. Those that are left stay in hiding or seek protection from the king if they’re blessed. Finding a blessed pureblood like this is like stumbling upon a gold mine, with all the gold already waiting in neat rows for the taking.

But she’s a woman, a frightened human who, in the end, tried to help. Mavis has sunk low, but not low enough for a job like this. Weevil on the other hand? He wouldn’t need Mavis anymore after tonight if he gets away.

“Okay, what do you want. Me? Trade me for her, Mavis will probably promote you,” I coax him, slowly reaching for that one vial in my breast pocket. I know he’ll never take the bait; he has the look in his eyes of a rich man already. Ravenous greed coats his gaze as he watches the gold blood drip from her strained neck. The look of a man who knows he’ll never starve or beg again. No, I just need more time.

“Are you kidding me?” He barks his ugly laughter again. Cocky bastard, basking in his victory early. “You’re worthless compared to her. You know how much just one vial of her blood goes for, right?”

Her blouse is nearly completely soaked to the point of being see through, his hungry gaze soaking in every fearful breath she takes. He pulls back her dark hair from her neck, offering himself a better view of his prize as it drips. he whispers something in her ear that makes her freeze, even her erratic breathing pauses.

“You know you should probably move that blade and staunch the bleeding. You’re losing your wealth by the second,” I point out, biding my time. If I can just get him to lower that damn knife...

“Why should I?” he says, thinking he knows my game. “I can just slit her throat now and collect the blood here. I’m not picky.” His yellow teeth graze her earlobe, and she has to stop herself from yanking her head the opposite way. I secretly hope Mavis has more spies here, then she can gut him like the pig he is when he inevitably goes groveling back.

“True, or you could keep her alive and have a steady source of income for the rest of your miserable life.” I raise one hand to my chin as if pondering the possibilities. Just enough to distract him as I reach across my heart and snag the pouch. It slips easily enough into my dark sleeve without him noticing. Weevil considers this for a second, lowering the knife only slightly. Just enough so that it’s not bearing into her anymore. I can see her swallow for the first time, fresh tears leaking from the corner of those pretty eyes.