The seamstress, content now with the silence, continues to preen when the door creaks open. Torin enters with a young knight I recognize from a few months ago. He had escorted me to my last lesson with Miss Eida. His flaming hair is impossible to forget.
“Good… ack! Mei Reinhavich, you look…”
“A bit like those birds your mother used to keep.” Torin frowns, and the young knight by his side bites his lip. The seamstress’ face becomes bright red in an instant, and she throws the pins to the floor.
“If you cannot hold your tongue, then leave the room! I am here by orders of the king,” she hisses through clenched teeth.
“So am I. He requests Princess Verosa in the throne room as soon as this fitting is finished.” Torin nudges the knight’s side, and the redhead brandishes a parchment with the king’s official seal on it. The flustered woman accepts the letter and skims through its contents before sighing heavily.
“We are finished for today,” she says, groaning. She takes to rubbing at the growing vein in her forehead while she helps me slip out of the dress.
Torin and the blushing knight excuse themselves, but not before Torin elbows Tanja and squawks like a bird, sending her into another bout of laughter. The seamstress all but throws her out of the room moments later.
“Was it that awful?” I groan once in the hallway. Tanja snorts and links her arm through mine.
“It was the highlight of my week! Thank you for your sacrifice.”
We walk towards the throne room, a lightness in our step just like it was months ago. Before the engagement, before the Nightwalkers, before my magic. The sunlight warms us despite our layers and the cold breeze blowing through the hall. Winter is officially in full swing in Krycolis, and the farmers suspect we will see snow soon enough.
I shiver and try to push that thought from my mind.
“Tanja,” a maid I recognize, Ruby, purrs in passing. Her skirts swish around her ankles as she exaggerates the sway of her hips in passing. She pauses a moment to bow low, and I groan when I see where my friend’s eyes trail. “Mai Reinhavich.”
I nod and Tanja smirks wickedly. “Ruby.”
Once they maid is out of sight, I nudge Tanja with my shoulder. “I thought you said that date was just an excuse?”
“Oh, Vera, darling, it was much more than an excuse. The maids here are very good with-“
“Polishing silverware, is how you were going to finish that sentence, I presume?” Torin quips as he appears beside us, the young knight now lost.
“Among other things.”
“Torin, who was that knight?” I ask, desperate to change the topic.
“His name is Seb. Pretty young but devoted.” Torin notes offhandedly before turning his attention back to Tanja.
“So is there any reason why you are tagging along to this meeting?”
“Because I’m Vera’s favorite, obviously.”
Torin gasps. “What? Vera tell her that’s not true.” I only laugh in response, causing the blonde knight to grip at his heart dramatically. “I can’t believe you’d rather spend time with Tanja instead of me!”
The young woman bumps him with her hip and a snicker. “Go lick your wounds somewhere else.”
The two of them continue to bicker until we stand before the throne room door. A feeling of familiarity washes over me, but I push the doors open and enter. Tanja and Torin squeeze my arms as they let go, and the door shuts heavily behind me.
It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the dim light of the throne room. When they do, I notice that my father sits alone, no guards or servants to attend him. His throne is polished and shimmering with pure gold, a monstrosity that had to be made on the spot, for it is too heavy to lift or transport. His clothes are pristine, and his velvet cloak curls around his shoulders like a cat.
His face is weary as I approach. New lines have formed on his forehead, and deep purple circles reside beneath his pale blue eyes. Every time I see him, he looks worse, as if his body is deteriorating rapidly even as he sits on that golden monstrosity.
“Father.” I curtsy low and slow, dipping my head with respect. My father and I have never been close, though I suppose having a loving family just isn’t possible as royalty. He tuts his approval and motions for me to rise.
“I am sure you know why I have called you here.”