Page 37 of The King's Queen

“Don’t you dare.”

My heart stops the moment I hear the click of the door, and his offbeat footsteps echoing down the hallway. Step, step, drag. A step, another…

How dare he. How dare he do one good thing and hold it over my head? Even if he had sealed that passage, he didn’t do it for me. No, he knew if I really wanted to escape, I would. I’d throw myself out a window if I had to. He has seen me do it before.

Torin leans forward with a sigh.

“You know, Vera, there’s a story I used to tell the squires. The story of a princess who wanted too much.” Torin braces his forearms against his thighs as he glances sideways in my direction. “She was ambitious but greedy. Nothing was enough for her, and in the end, her greed left her with nothing.”

“Greed?” I scoff. “Torin all I want is my freedom. To be able to go where I want when I want without someone reporting my every move back to my father… or my fiancé soon enough. Is it selfish to want what others have?”

“You assume we’re all free.”

“What do you presume to mean by that?”

“Have you ever considered that the walls surrounding this palace aren’t to keep you in, but to keep others out? People who want to kill the monarchy, to kill you?”

“The cursed aren’t all evil.” I counter quickly, catching onto the edge in his voice. An edge I had recognized in my own not too long ago, before I met Rowan. Kya. Torin raises an eyebrow suspiciously but carries on nonetheless.

“Sure, it might not always be the cursed. It could be a blessed. It could be a friend, anyone, really. You trust the wrong person in this world, Vera, and you’re dead.”

“What about you? Can I trust you?”

Torin sighs pragmatically, then stands to ruffle my hair.

“Always. I am loyal to you Verosa, greedy princess or not.”



Never in my life have I seen so many flowers in one room. Word got out to the rest of the maids, and eventually, my father and Lucius that I was unwell and not taking any visitors. It was probably the most peaceful morning of my life, until the first bouquet of flowers was left outside my door.

Tanja is the only one allowed in, and I made a show of coughing and hiding under the covers every time she entered. She carried the flowers— white roses, into the room, and placed them in a vase next to my vanity. Approximately an hour later, there was another sure knock on my door and another bouquet. Lilies this time. Then, an hour later, sunflowers. Every hour until dusk flowers showed up. Soft pink roses, daisies, red carnations, and blue irises. All signed by Lucius.

The only thing that gives away Kya’s entrance is her kitten-like sneeze as she steps from the shadows.

“I didn’t know you were so into botany.” She sniffles lightly. With expert grace, she dodges a lavishly embroidered pillow tossed her way. Her motions are fluid, a dancing flame, and my voice catches in my throat. Rowan hadn’t lied, she’s fine. A few bruises and small cuts litter her arms, but other than that… fine.

“I was wondering when you were going to come down from up there.” I laugh, rising to a seated position.

Kya gives a long sideways glance.

“Impressive, not even Rowan can tell when I stalk him.”

A soft laugh as I whisper, “It’s your cinnamon perfume.” Then I add, “I knew you were here all day.”

“Hmm.” She hums, her eyes gazing out the window. Somewhere far away from here.

Then she turns. The moonlight shimmers across her sultry hair as she takes one step forward, then another until she crashes into me, knocking us both flat against my headboard.

“Thank you for saving her,” she breathes, and I note the slight tremor in her lilting voice. My sweet Kya, my friend who loves so fully.

“So you’re not mad at me for messing up the mission?”

The Vari assassin shakes her head fervently, her dark hair swishing about her sweet face. A few strands stick to her sweat slick forehead. Her golden eyes stare hard into my face, the eyes of Deun, I note, not missing the irony.

“You did fine, Vera. It was a trap, and we all walked into it.” She nudges my shoulder with a slight wince. “And we all walked out of it.”