Page 25 of The King's Queen

She could easily be one of the loveliest women I’ve ever seen if it not for the deep-seated scowl that contorts her features.

Her eyes rove over my face, and I find myself wishing to shrink back, to grab Rowan’s arm and beg him to take me home. But I don’t, and instead settle for accepting the disgust she throws my way, feeling it in my gut as well. She raises a perfect crimson eyebrow when Kya clears her throat from across the room.

“You sure know how to make an entrance,” she drawls, dragging her teeth over her lower lip. “I’m sure you had plenty of time to come up with it though considering that you’re late. Again.” She stands, her golden arms laying across her ample bosom, eyes narrowing to slits. The atmosphere of the room. Rowan smirks like he knows something bad is going to happen, and I find myself subconsciously inching towards the exit. Only Derrín doesn’t respond, his long and nimble fingers still fiddling with whatever is in his lap.

“Laei, you’re insufferable.” Amír, I presume, groans and begins to storm towards the other woman. I jump back, preparing for a fight, when the redhead latches onto Kya.

“Not again.” Is all Derrín mumbles, though not looking bothered at all by the fact that his sister is now pinned against the wall, Amír’s tongue down her throat.

Rowan chuckles when he sees my presumably gobstopped expression, and he nods his head in their direction with pointed eyes. I grit my teeth in irritation knowing that he can read me so well already.

“It’s one of my charms.” He grins before clearing his throat annoyingly towards the two women in the corner. “Amír, I expect you have a reason for being late?”

“Just as I suspect you have a reason for bringing an outsider into our home,” Amír snaps back, begrudgingly leaving her lover to report to Rowan. Red lipstick is smudged across the corner of her mouth. “A noble, nonetheless. So what form of demon has possessed you now, Rowan?”

The two go toe to toe, a low growl settling in the base of his throat. It’s all I can do to watch as they tower over me, their power domineering as they match each other, neither of them willing to stand down.

Rowan mouths something unintelligible to her, and her features soften even just a fraction, and she nods.

“Mavis’ men were found encroaching on our territory. I was investigating why. Turns out there’s a rumor going on.” Her eyes glance towards me now. “A rumor that Rowan has found himself a pureblood.”

The color drains from Rowan’s face as he curses softly under his breath.

“If Mavis knows then…”

“Then it’s only a matter of time,” Amír confirms, some secret, unspoken understanding passing between them. Rowan’s shoulders square as he turns to face Kya.

“Her training starts tonight.” The shorter woman nods curtly, stepping forward to usher me away as Amír and Rowan begin to walk towards an adjacent room to discuss whoever this Mavis threat is.

Everything begins to click now. The fight in Belam, the secret house in the woods, why he needs to meet more in the palace than here. Why he wouldn’t reveal these things to me without sufficient collateral.

Rowan was theNoiteron, the ruthless leader of the Nightwalkers. A legend among criminals and a nightmare among nobles. And now I was one of them.

“Rowan, wait!” I grab the sleeve of his tunic before I can stop myself. He turns his face to me then, softening just slightly. “Am I in danger?” He eyes me curiously, as if noticing something he hasn’t seen from me yet. He gives my hand a light squeeze and a small smirk.

“You’ve been in danger since you chose to leave the comforts of the palace and step into that fight. The question is, do you want to hide from it or learn to face it?”

And there it is, the question I’ve been longing to be asked since I was born, since I learned I was a pureblood. My father would say it is best to hide, as he’s hid me away my whole life. A part of me calls to that, to go back to my cushy life with maids waiting for my beckoning call. The tug at my heart demands something greater though, to get out there and see the world I’ve been hidden from. Sure, that world may be dangerous, but with Rowan’s help, maybe it could be beautiful too.

I should be terrified. I’ve heard the rumors, the silent assassin, ruthless gunslinger, and mechanical mastermind all led by the worst of them all. But maybe fear only works on those with something left to lose.

I slide my hand down from his sleeve to wrap my fingers around his wrist and smile.

“Teach me.”



Ihit the floor with a heavy thud, the lanterns hanging from the walls rattling as I fall. Kya stands above me, the blunted tip of a wooden dagger pressed lightly against my throat. She smiles and holds out a hand to help me up.

“You’re getting better at thinking on your feet. You almost got me that time.”

“Yeah, right.” I scoff, accepting her hand. “It’s been nearly three weeks, and I still haven’t been able to land a hit on you.” For the past few weeks, my days have fallen into a routine: study with Rowan during the day, then sneak out at night to train with Kya, and occasionally, Derrín will come watch or offer unhelpful tips. Rowan and Amír are almost never around. They’re always off plotting in that little study of his. Not that I mind all that much. Amír doesn’t seem to like me. Every time I see her, she offers a sneer or a sarcastic quip on my form. If I were any better and knew my prop weapon would hit its mark, I might hurl it at her.

Honestly, I can’t see how she and Kya are together. Amír is cruel and sadistic, oftentimes disappearing for long hours just to return covered in blood and a sick smile on her face, her guns still smoking. The second in command of the Nightwalkers, a villainess with a twisted lust for death.

Kya, however, is sweet and demure. She has a silver tongue of her own and dozens of small knives hidden across her scantily clad body, and yet she smiles softly every night when I arrive. She may best me in our combat training every time, but she helps me from the ground, bandages my wounds afterwards, and encourages me to try again. She’s the closest thing I have to a friend in this place.