“Who. Are. You,” the girl repeats. Finneas has moved from his spot by the window, shifting himself between Aiko and the girl. She looks at him wildly, her small hand trembling around the smooth and blunt blade.
“They’re the people who saved you from Etherbane when you so foolishly stepped into that fight,” I croon now, smiling wickedly as I step out from the shadows. Her attention turns to me, her lips parting slightly and eyebrows shooting up in recognition. I pretend to pay her no mind as I finish the last stitch on my arm. “Think you could put the knife down, sweetheart? Not that it’ll do you much good.”
“If it won’t do much then why insist I put it away?” Her voice a saccharine crow that matches my own. I nearly jump in shock. Such a clever tongue from a sweet thing.
“Because you’re being rude, and I don’t negotiate with people while they’re holding any form of weaponry.”
She seems to consider this while I consider her. She has a kind, round face, and a slim figure with no muscle whatsoever on her body. A pampered princess, it would seem. Her hair is inky and long like Aiko’s, her eyes sweet and round. She must be of faded Tesslarian descent, having the same soft and contrasting facial features they’re often marked by.
I extend my hand for the cutlery and just as I think she is going to hand it over she rears the weapon back and drives it straight into my palm. The crude and dull blade slides in easily, her panic reinforcing what little strength she has left. I swear vehemently and pull my hand away before she can pull the blade out.
“Some thanks for the people who saved your life.” Finneas remarks, his arms crossed and cutting an imposing figure in the small room. The woman’s face blanches and she raises her shaking fists, her eyes darting around the room for an escape.
Aiko watches with feline curiosity before shooting a glance in my direction. I have the wound bandaged already. Her eyes narrow and I take that as my cue to intervene. My neck pops as I loll it around leisurely.
The blade entered the fleshy bit of my palm, thankfully not hitting any bone or anything that could have proven to be a problem. No, her assault is more of an annoyance compared to the other injuries I’ve garnered over the years.
“Did making me bleed make you feel better?”
The woman raises her shaking chin in defiance. “Maybe.”
I release a mirthless chuckle, my eyes darkening. Much to her credit she doesn’t shrink back any further. “Ready to have an adult conversation now?”
She hesitates for only a moment before nodding. The nobles visibly relax. They are no strangers to my usual and unorthodox methods. I know Aiko would prefer it if I do not lead anymore trouble to her door.
“Who are you running from?” I ask. No sign of shock registers on the young woman’s face as she calmly crosses one dainty ankle over the other.
“A man with a name and no face.” She’s smug about her own response while I bristle.
“Why Belam?”
“Why not?”
“I could give you a hundred reasons or so.”
“Then please do.” She smiles sweetly.
“Do you always speak in circles?”
“Do you always act like an ass?” Finneas snorts at this before excusing himself with a small apology. Aiko just barely conceals her own smile before moving to follow her husband.
“I thought I was supposed to be asking the questions here,Vera.” I smirk coyly and watch as that smooth facade crumbles completely. Her lower lip quivers, and her shoulders stiffen. Aiko and Finneas turn again, once more observing the scene silently. Vera leaps to her feet… only to collapse on the ground in pain, her leg not supporting her weight just yet. Aiko is there in a second but steps back when Vera raises her fists.
“How do you know who I am?” Her courtier’s voice has lowered to a strained snarl as she bares her teeth with each word. How interesting. To be honest, I had been guessing it was her that the man from Ryson’s was looking for, but I hadn’t fully expected to be right.
“A friend of yours came looking when you were knocked out.” I watch as the little color left in her face begins to drain to a pale milky white hue. “You wouldn’t happen to know him, would you?”
“You didn’t… You didn’t tell him where I was?” She leans forward on her knees, dropping the knife to clasp those dainty hands around my knee. “Please…”
“What would it matter if I did?”
“He’ll kill me,” she rasps. Her nails bite through the leather of my pants, her blood starting to soak through Aiko’s bandage again. “He’s cursed.”
The older couple eyes me warily now, waiting for a flinch or telltale sign. I don’t give them the satisfaction. Instead, I shake Vera’s grip from my knee and crouch down to her level, hooking my thumb under her chin and bringing her gaze to mine. Her left eye has begun to puff up, but luckily for her, there’s no bruising. She bites her lip anxiously, wincing at the painful and swollen flesh before lowering her gaze to the floor. A sharp tug to her chin has her raising it again.
“And why would he do that?” I murmur, flicking that thumb over her lip to brush away the blood. Up close, there was no denying her beauty, even despite the grime and gore. Her face is fair with a slight shower of freckles across her nose and cheekbones, her eyebrows rounded in a neutral soft look, her lips perfectly rosy and plump. Her indigo locks fall in loose waves about her shoulders, not straight enough for the nobles’ preferred look, but freer. Untamed. She has this unbroken spirit about her. The type of spirit that allowed her to walk into a fight to save a stranger and wield a butterknife against a wanted criminal.
“He knows what I am. He couldsmellit.”