Page 67 of The King's Queen

“Not too much,” Rowan warns.

The memory of panic and the scent of charred flesh and blood on my hands jolts through my senses. The lights fall immediately. Vestíg whinnies lowly, then resumes his thrashing.

“I think that’s enough for tonight. You’ll need to save your strength for tomorrow anyway.”

Tomorrow. The duel is tomorrow.

The rock feels solid underneath my feet again as Tanja speaks. I look down to notice her hand is still intwined with mine, while Rowan had let go the moment I began my light show. She smiles warmly and squeezes twice.

Fatigue washes over me suddenly, and I nod in agreement.

“There’s much to be done.”



Starlight flickers across the arching ceilings of my bedroom, its dim glow reflecting across my skin with pale yellow luminance. With a simple lifting of my finger, they swirl and converge into a single beam, which streams through the jewels of the crown on my desk, sending a sprawling myriad of colors throughout the room. I snap, and they separate again, bursting into their own miniature solar systems.

I’d been practicing since Tanja shut the door last night, not bothering with sleep, though it calls desperately to me. My silken pillows beckon me to rest my head, if even just for a moment, but I shake the notion from my mind.

Though it has only been a month since I began using my powers daily, they no longer drain me like they did back at the Falls. My muscles still ache, and my limbs grow weary, but it is now bearable. The dark sanctuary of sleep doesn’t consume me like it used to. It feels almost like learning to spar and wield a weapon again. My muscles then had not been prepared to even hold a blade, let alone use one, but now they’ve grown thick and corded. The weapon is an extension of my arm and the light one of my soul.

If only this power was more than a cheap party trick,I think with a scowl. All the books I’ve read and stories I’ve heard have pointed me towards this power, and yet all I’ve been able to do is conjure a few light beams and sparkles in secrecy.

Before dawn has even fully awoken, there’s a soft knock at my door. Without a second thought, the lights wink out simultaneously, leaving me alone in the dark. The soft patter of slippered feet on stone give away the maids’ entry before their oil lamp can. Ruby steps forward first with a deep curtsy before she extends her hand for mine.

I know Tanja is expected to make an appearance at the duel today, so she herself must be getting ready, and yet I find myself yearning for the comfort of her companionship as Ruby leads me towards my tub. The maids are gentle, almost reverential, as they sop my arms with soap that smells of cheap wine. I feel like a prized pony trussed up for a trot around the plaza.

“The king has left a dress for you.” Ruby speaks slowly. I could scoff. Of course, he did.

The scarlet fabric pools around my feet, licking at my ankles whenever I walk. The fine fabric is embroidered with pure spun gold, and I don’t miss the message Ophelus is trying to convey.

Someone will die today, and I will be the one to wear their blood.

Just as Ruby finishes applying the last of the cosmetics to my face, Tanja barrels through the doors into my chambers. Her fine dress, not maid’s uniform, is crumpled, and her makeup is smudged with poorly corrected tear stains. I doubt I look much better myself.

“You look pale. Do you feel faint?”

“No, just worried.”

Tanja laughs nervously. “That just might be the understatement of the year.”

She extends her hand for me to take, but I hesitate. The moment I walk out these doors and into that hallway, there will be maids gossiping, knights praying, and guests loitering and placing bets. When I walk out these doors, I sign someone’s death warrant.

I inhale sharply and place my hand in hers. Her face is a mask of horror as she offers a shaky squeeze.

“He’ll be okay,” she murmurs. I nod, though I’m quite certain she’s trying to convince herself more than me.

“Where’s Torin?” I ask, desperate to change the conversation.

Tanja bites her cheek. “He’s with Blaine. As his second, he is needed by the arena at the duel, and if Blaine loses, then he is to take over the position of Captain of the Guard.”

My stomach drops. Torin never mentioned this. He had spent too much time trying to console her. Meanwhile, all that horror and responsibility has been weighing on his shoulders… I swallow the bile that threatens to rise in my throat.

Footsteps halt before me, and I nearly bump face-first into Rowan. His hand is out in a moment, but I steady myself first. For once, he is the last person I want to see. The guilt of my quickening heartbeat lays heavy in contrast to the knowledge that one man is going to die today, and it’s all my fault.

Tanja dips her chin knowingly and makes an excuse to find her seat.