Page 65 of Tantalize

He kept a hand on the small of her back as he undid the ankle restraints, and she was in his arms. She snuggled into his hold, so happy to be back in his embrace. As he walked off the stage, she could hear people talking to him, but the words didn’t make sense.

In the aftercare area, he sat and carefully cradled her in his lap. “You were fantastic.” He dropped kisses over her face.

“I…” She shifted and winced as a flash of awareness shot through her body. Oh, she was going to be sore for a few days.

“Lara, would you get the blue tube from my bag and bring it to me, please?”

“Of course, Sir.”

“What is Lara getting?” Her brain was starting to come out of the haze.

“Something that will help you not be so sore tomorrow.” He gazed down at her. “Coming out of subspace?”

“Yes. I wasn’t fully there. My body feels like it’s on fire.” Heat filled every nook of her. A good heat.

“I’m not surprised.” Lara returned, and Gabriel took the tube from her with a thank you. “Okay, up and over my lap.”

Dani groaned. She’d rather stay cradled in his arms, but she did as he asked. Her legs were steadier than she expected. She laid over his lap, feeling a little emotionally exposed.

“This cream will help with the soreness.” She yelped as the cold hit her hot skin. “Sorry.” There was laughter in his voice. Slowly, he rubbed the cream in. Two more times, he added more. By the time he was done, her ass didn’t feel as bad.

“Now, we’re going to talk.”

“Like this?” She was still over his lap.

“Yes, so if I don’t like your answers, I can do this.” He swatted her where her thighs and ass met.

“Sir!” Damn. It didn’t hurt, but it made her nerves start dancing and craving more.

“I’m going to tell you something, and I want you to listen to me.”

“Of course, Sir.”

“I couldn’t—no, make that wouldn’t—use the bullwhip on you. It’s a hard limit for you, and James’ request wasn’t like Anthony’s demo. Anthony took your fear into consideration, and that’s what I was doing. I knew a whip wouldn’t be good for you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this?”

“I tried, but apparently, I didn’t explain myself well enough. I need to work on my communication with you.” He shook his head. “I can also be an ass who doesn’t think.” When she raised her head, he swatted her ass. “I will have one the subs who likes the bullwhip talk to you about it, but that’s as far as it goes.”

“Yes, Sir.” She was still a touch wary, but she would accept some responsibility. “I’m sorry I pushed and didn’t fully listen.”

“This is my cross to bear, not yours.” He continued to rub her back. “I also let my own insecurities get to me.” In a flash, she was flipped upright in his lap.

“How did you do that, Sir?” Her head spun.

“Secret trick.” He cradled her close. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk with you before agreeing and for not explaining properly. Lord knows I’m going to make mistakes in this relationship, but know that I meant what I said. I do love you, Dani.”

“I know.” She believed him. Gabriel wouldn’t lie to her about that. It had taken her time to work it all through her head and heart.

“Good. I’ve spent a lot of time this last week thinking about everything.”

“Oh?” She sat up.

“Relax, baby. I reacted badly when you told me about the baby. You didn’t even know you were pregnant when you lost her.”


“Yes, I pictured a little girl with her mother’s sass.” He took a deep breath. “I forced myself to look at my life and my choices. Dani, you were and will always be my best choice. I’m not like my parents.”