Page 54 of Tantalize

“I was more than aroused by what you did to me and Hannah.” She’d felt hot and tingling.

“How long did it last?”

“Until this morning.” Her body still tingled when she moved just right.

“Which is why you should have let me stay with you last night.” He pushed away from the table and paced around her small kitchen. “Did you feel scared or weepy last night?”

“No.” She kept her gaze on him as if she would be able to see what he was thinking.

“From what you’ve told me, you’ve never been spanked the way I did last night. Damn it, Dani. Why did you push me away last night?” He pulled a hand through his hair.

“Because I knew you’d overreact, just like you’re doing right now.” She stood and carried their empty plates to the sink. “I was fine last night. I came home, fell asleep, and didn’t wake until I heard you pounding on my door.”

“How did you feel when you woke up?”

“A little disoriented.” She wouldn’t lie to him. “But it disappeared.”

“How did your ass feel?”

A smile played around her lips. “It tingled. It wasn’t sore or anything. But I remembered everything you did last night, and I want that again.”

Gabriel shook his head. “It’s too soon.”

“I don’t get this,” she said, hands on hips. “Why are you being so bull headed about this? You spanked me this morning.”

“Because I don’t want you to hate me.”

Dani blinked. “What? I could never hate you.” Where was that coming from?

“You hated me in college.”

“I did not.” She walked over to him. “Gabriel, what’s really going on? I never hated you. We wanted different things at the time. My emotional state wasn’t the best, but that wasn’t your fault.”

“You barely talked to me before graduation.”

She dipped her head. “You’re right. I didn’t, but not because of you.” How could she explain? The only way was to tell him the truth and let the cards fall where they might. “Come into the living room.” She took his hand, led him into the other room, and pushed him down on the sofa before sitting next to him.

Dani took a deep breath. “The day you talked about spanking me, I’d just gotten some very unexpected news.”

“You never said anything.”

“I didn’t. And that wasn’t right. But I was trying to deal with it, and I pretty much shut down on you. That wasn’t right.”

“It wasn’t because I was trying to introduce kink?”

She shook her head. “Do you remember the few days prior to that night?”

Gabriel’s forehead wrinkled. “We were both super busy with classes, and finals were coming up.”

“Right. Do you remember I thought I had the flu?”

“Yes. You wouldn’t see me for several days.” He took her hands in his. “What does that have to do with it? Were you sick?”

“Not sick.” She pressed her lips together, and took one breath and then another to prepare herself for her next words. “I felt really bad one morning, and my period started, or at least that’s what I thought it was.” The words were hard to get out. “I was in class when I doubled over with cramps. My instructor took me to the ER.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I was pregnant and didn’t even know it.”

Gabriel sat back. The shock on his face wasn’t surprising. “Pregnant.” He stared at her. “How? I mean, we took precautions.”

“Not always.”