Page 4 of Tantalize

No. Gabriel didn’t do commitment and probably had a sub. He wouldn’t care about her. They were long done. If only she could convince her heart of that.

* * * *

Gabriel looked around the club for Dani. He hadn’t seen her so far, but the club was full tonight. He checked the sub area earlier; it’d been empty.

He thought about going back out to the lobby, but Max’s words came back to him. Gabriel had wanted to explain to Max how he knew Dani didn’t belong there. He needed to have the conversation with Dani first. He wandered around, keeping an eye out for her long black hair and the blue corset she was wearing.

Damn, she looked good in that corset. The way the material cupped her breasts and pushed them up. His body heated. A group of people were gathering around one of the bondage stations, and he decided to head in that direction. Why not? It might take his mind off other things.

Austin was on stage. When he was ready, he turned and held his hand out to a sub. Oh, hell no. Gabriel didn’t stop to think. He couldn’t stop himself. He marched toward the stage. “Austin, I need to talk with you for a moment.”

The blond-haired Dom tilted his head and nodded, but it was Dani who spoke. “There is no need, Sir.”

Austin hesitated and leaned down, whispered into Dani’s ear, saying something that made her giggle. Gabriel’s hackles rose. He was the only one that was supposed to make Dani laugh. Except she’d rejected him. And now, suddenly, she was into kink? No. Gabriel refused to believe that. What game was she playing? Her fear of kink had been real and devastating to their relationship.

“What’s up, Gabriel?” Austin asked, walking to the edge of the stage.

Gabriel took Austin in from head to toe. He was dressed like most of them. Dark pants, open shirt, and loafers. “Sorry to interrupt and butt in, but you shouldn’t be playing with Dani.”

Austin’s eyebrows rose. “Why is that? We’ve played together before, and there’s been no issue.”

Gabriel’s temper rose. Austin had played with Dani before? How many other men had she played with? Dammit. She’d played with other Doms, but rejected him in the café. The little green monster of jealousy grew in him.

“You may have played with her before, but I wasn’t in the club when you did so.”

Austin frowned. “Did I miss something? She’s wearing a pink and white wristband so she isn’t taken.”

Gabriel wanted to say, yes, she was taken, but he didn’t have the right. That was one of the tenets of the lifestyle, and he wouldn’t betray that. “No, she’s not taken that I know of, but Dani doesn’t belong in the kink world.”

Austin rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know where you’ve been, but obviously you’ve not seen Dani play before. We’re quite good together, and I’m sorry if you have an issue with it. But that’s not my problem or Dani’s.”

Gabriel opened his mouth when a strong hand gripped his shoulder. “Gabriel’s just being cautious. He doesn’t realize that Dani is a big girl and can take care of herself,” Max said. “Go do your scene before the crowd gets too restless.”

“Thank you, Max.” Austin walked over to Dani.

“Before you say a single word, this is what I warned you about. I don’t know why you can’t respect her choices.”

Another Dom/sub tenet that Gabriel had lived by up until now. He hated to admit it, but Max was right. Still, worry sat in the pit of his stomach like lead. “Can I at least talk to her before they start the scene?” Maybe he could talk her out of it.

“Gabriel, under normal circumstances, I’d tell you no way and might even ask you to leave. Just this once, andonlythis one time, and in view of our friendship, I will ask her, but it’s up to her, and you are going to live with whatever choiceshemakes. Are we clear?”

“Crystal clear.”

Max walked onto the stage and motioned to Dani. She walked over to him and was about to kneel when Max said something.

Gabriel’s stomach clenched. What was wrong with him? He’d seen many subs kneel in front of Max, so why did this bother him so much? Because it was Dani. Dani who had run from him when he tried any sort of kink with her in college. Dani who thought he was crazy and out of his mind. Dani who was now in Wicked Sanctuary. Why was she here? And, if now, why not then? With him?

Max called Austin over to where he and Dani stood. The trio talked. Austin leaned down and kissed Dani on the cheek before walking away. Max helped Dani from the stage, and together, they walked over to him.

Dani’s brown eyes flashed daggers at him as she came closer. “Dani has agreed to talk with you,” Max said.

“Alone,” Gabriel insisted.

Max looked at Dani. “It’s fine, Master Max. We’ll be over by the quiet area. If I need help, I’ll call out my safe word.”

“All right,” Max said.

Dani turned and made her way to the quiet area. Luckily, it was empty right now. Gabriel followed, and when he arrived, she put her hands on her hips.