Page 50 of Tantalize

When Gabriel started with the impression paddle on Hannah, Dani flinched on the first hit.

While she hadn’t felt the swat, she saw the impressions. Gabriel was careful, and the impressions only lasted a couple of seconds and then faded. When it ended, Dani was on the edge. Her body so hot and needy. She was lost in the sensations.

Dani snuggled deeper in his arms.

“How is she?” That was Zeke.

“Good.” Gabriel said.

She was good and was enjoying being cuddled by him, so she stayed still and silent.

“I never thought I’d see the day you were committed to one woman,” Zeke said.

Dani fought not to stiffen in Gabriel’s arms. What was Zeke doing? He had to know Gabriel was commitment phobic.

“You know darn well, Zeke, I’ll never commit to marriage.”

Dani bit the inside of her cheek so as not to cry out. Gabriel wouldn’t change his mind about that. Probably never would. She knew that going into this relationship, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. She’d hoped he would see she wasn’t like his mother or father. Hope died in her.

“Buddy, you need to either commit or let Dani go. It isn’t fair to her,” Zeke said.

“This is between Dani and me.”

Dani recognized that hard tone. Gabriel was on the defensive. She wiggled in his arms.

“Be careful,” Zeke said.


She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Hi.” The conversation she overheard was spinning in her mind. What did she expect?

“How are you doing?”

“I really am good.” Or at least as good as she could be with her heart cracking open.

Gabriel gazed down at her. “Your eyes are clearer now, and your voice is steady. I’m going to go clean up the scene, but you sit here and just relax.” He gently moved her to the other side of the sofa and stood. He picked up the bottle of water sitting on the table, twisted the cap loose, and handed it to her. “Drink. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Dani watched Gabriel, admiring his efficiency at cleaning up the scene and his toys. He put them back in his bag and stored the bag in the cubby by the bar. When he walked back over to her, she had finished the water. She tucked away her feelings about the conversation she’d overheard to look at later. Right now, she wanted to keep dreaming.

“I’m going to take you home now.” Gabriel leaned down and lifted her into his arms.

“I can walk. My car is here; how am I going to get it?” While she appreciated his concern, she really was okay.

“I’m taking you home—there’s no two ways about it.” Gabriel strode toward the bar where Zeke was sitting. “Zeke, can you make sure the ladies’ room is empty so I can take Dani in to get her things. And is it possible for Allyson to drive Dani’s car to her place with you following?”

“No problem. We can take care of Dani’s car.”

Gabriel followed Zeke out of the club and into the foyer. When Zeke told him the ladies’ room was empty, he carried Dani in.

“Is this really necessary?” Dani asked.

“It is for me. Which locker?”

Dani stared at Gabriel, then relented. “Third one from the left, in the middle.”

Gabriel carried her over and set her on her feet, keeping one arm around her waist. She unlocked it and pulled her bag out. He took her bag, slipped the strap over his shoulder, and kept her steady as they walked out to where Zeke and Allyson were waiting.

“I don’t want to ruin their night.”