Page 33 of Tantalize

“No, they don’t.” He released her hand and sat back.

“But you make the rules.”

“Dani, have you ever used your safe word?”

“Only on you in the club.”.

“Have you ever wanted to say it other than to me?”

Her nod was so slight, so fragile, he almost missed it.

“I know you went through the classes at the club. If a sub says her safe word, all play stops.”

“But what if the Dom doesn’t stop?” Her voice was so quiet he had to strain to hear her.

Gabriel stared at her. “Then he is stopped. We all agree to consent; if a sub says their safe word, they are revoking her consent.”

He hadn’t picked up this—fear, was the only word he could think of—from her Saturday. What else was Dani hiding? “I’m not sure how they did things in San Francisco, or what your Dom taught you, but I suspect a lot of what you saw may have been about the Master/slave relationship or the 24/7 type of lifestyle. I’m not into those. I’m just talking about the D/s relationship. Dom and sub.”

Dani looked a little confused. “So basically what I’ve been doing in the club?”

“Yes and no.” Gabriel broke off as the waiter arrived with tortilla chips and salsa. “Since I haven’t seen you play at the club, I don’t know what you’ve done. So I’m assuming that it’s a typical type of light play.”

“Mainly just a little bondage and some sensation play.”

“Good. What I’m talking about is what we would do inside and outside the club. We would only play with each other unless there was something you wanted to try that I was not comfortable doing.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You’d let me play with another Dom?”

“I’d rather not. But if there is something you really want to try, we would talk about it. If it’s something I know in my heart I couldn’t give you and you really wanted to try, I would allow you to try it with someone else. Someone I trusted.”

“What about you? What if there’s something you want to try, and I can’t do it?”

“We would talk about it and make a decision at that point. The odds of me playing with another sub are minimal. I do need to let you know that sometimes Doms will come to me for instruction on impact play and offer up their sub for me to use.”

Dani stared at him. “So you teach other Doms?”

“Yes. Max believes in mentoring the younger Doms. We’ve set it up so they’re able to come to us and ask us for instruction or questions, especially when it’s something new to them. Most are very open about it, but if someone wants a private lesson, I will come to you and tell you. I will also make it clear that I want you in the room.”

“What if the Dom asks you to do something, let’s say, with the whip?”

Gabriel shook his head. “I rarely work with whips anymore, so I would only do it if Max asked me to. I’m not a Dom who likes to leave marks on a sub’s body. That hasn’t changed. There are sadists in the club, and that’s fine. Their kink is not my kink. Does that help?”

“It does. I didn’t realize how much I still don’t know about the lifestyle.”

“There are a lot of aspects to the lifestyle, and I don’t think we truly learn them all. We learn what we like and what we dislike. Communication and consent are the two most important things.”

“I think that’s what drew me to Wicked Sanctuary. Some of the clubs in San Francisco weren’t as consensual as I think they should have been. I avoided them and parties like that. I also need to clarify that, while I may be a club member, I haven’t played very much.”

“Why is that?” Surprise flooded him. He had expected she’d played every week since she was already at the club.

“I was getting a feel for the club. I’ve only played with one or two of the Doms, and they’ve all been nice.”

“They’d better have been. But they’re done playing with you. You’re mine.”

Dani frowned, and he realized just how much like a Dom he sounded. “I haven’t played in a while either. Actually, it’s been several months.”

“Why is that?” Her hand froze as she lifted a chip to her mouth. “I shouldn’t have asked that.” She lowered her hand.