Page 31 of Tantalize

“Hello.” Her voice was tentative, and that surprised him.

“It’s Gabriel.”

“Oh, hi, Gabriel.” Her voice was brighter and stronger now. “I’ll be right there.”

The line went dead before he could say anything more. Why didn’t she buzz him into her apartment? It wasn’t like he hadn’t been there already. He would talk with her about that over dinner. He paced the small landing area until Dani came bouncing down the hallway and pushed open the door.

He took in the white and yellow sundress she was wearing along with the white sandals on her feet. She could barely stand still, as if she was ready to pounce out of her own skin.

“You didn’t tell me where were going; I hope this is okay?”

“It’s just fine. We’re going for Mexican.” He cupped her elbow and guided her toward his vehicle. “Thank you for allowing me to drive you.” They’d had a disagreement about who should drive, but he’d pulled her around to his way of thinking.

“So how was your day today?” he asked as he pulled out onto the main road.

“It was fine. I had a nice long conversation with Max and Sierra about the plants they want around their home.”

“I know you’re doing the landscaping for the club, but you’re also doing it for their home?” Why did that surprise him? Dani was the best in the business.

“Yep. The house and the club are big jobs, but I’m up to it, and I have good crews to help me.”

“You took everything over from your grandfather, right?”

“Yes.” She shifted in her seat. “After his heart attack, we had a long talk. He agreed he needed to slow down, so I took over. I will say the crews were very grateful. Many of them were worried the business would close, and they would lose their jobs.”

“I can understand that. I will also say I was surprised to see you came home to stay.” He figured she was in San Francisco for good. What could Pleasant Valley offer her that San Francisco didn’t have?

“I always planned to come back. When I was offered the job right before we graduated, I decided to take it. It was a large landscaping operation, and it gave me the experience and knowledge I needed. Though I didn’t really like being a cog in the wheel.” She glanced at him and out the window. “Besides, Pleasant Valley is my home.”

Gabriel smiled. “It’s my home, too, and I can’t see leaving it. I’m glad you’re home.” Even though he hadn’t expected to see her at the bookstore that day, he’d had a sneaking suspicion she’d moved back home.

“I’m really glad to be home. I’d forgotten just how much it means to be part of a community.”

Gabriel pondered her words as he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. He took Dani’s hand as they walked inside. She gave him a pointed look but didn’t pull away. Score one for the home team.

The festive music and colorful decorations made him smile. He gave his name to the hostess, and they were immediately shown to their booth. Dani gave him a sharp look when she saw the booth in the back of the restaurant.

He released her hand, and she slid onto the seat. He followed, not stopping until his thigh touched hers. The hostess set the menus on the table and walked away.

“I think I understand why you chose here,” Dani said, inching away.

Gabriel picked up the menus and handed her one. “I knew they had these booths, and here, we are less likely to be overheard.”

She nodded and opened her menu. Gabriel took a brief glance at his. He hadn’t been to The Aztec Chef in a while. He looked up as the waiter stopped in front of their table.

“Good evening. I’m Juan, your waiter for the evening. May I get you a margarita or something else to drink?”

“A pineapple margarita would be lovely,” Dani said.

“I’d love a beer. Whatever you have on tap that is dark.”

“Very good, sir.”

“And a glass of water, please,” Dani tacked on.

“Of course. Tonight, we offer the triple plate special, and the vegetarian special is a spinach bean salad. I’ll go get your drinks and be back for your order.”

Dani looked from Gabriel to the menu he’d set aside and back. “You’ve already decided on what you want to eat, haven’t you?”