Page 26 of Tantalize

“Fantastic. I’ll pick you up at six.”

“I’d rather drive myself.” In case she needed a quick getaway.

“Please, let me drive you.”

Two pleases in the same conversation. “All right, but if I say I want to go home, you’ll take me, or I can get a rideshare, right?”

“I will. I promise.”

Her heart pounded, but this felt right. “Okay. Thursday at six.”

“You won’t regret it.”

The line went dead, and Dani just stared at her phone. To cover any possibility, she checked her rideshare app to make sure it was up-to-date. Why did she have a feeling Gabriel had something up his sleeve?

* * * *

Dani paced around her apartment Thursday evening. It was five fifty-five. She was ready. Gabriel hadn’t mentioned where they were going, and since it was such a nice evening, she opted for a sun dress and sandals.

The intercom buzzed. “Yes.”

“Hey, Dani. I’m here.”

“Be right there.” She picked up her purse and stepped outside her apartment. She locked the door and made her way down the hallway. Gabriel was standing patiently outside the security door.

“You look fantastic,” he said when she opened the door.

“Thank you.” She took in his freshly pressed black pants and open neck polo shirt. “You look good too.”

“I appreciate that.” Gabriel held out his arm, and she placed hers through his. He guided her to his SUV. “I made reservations at the steak house; I hope that’s okay?” he asked as he pulled out of the parking spot.

“It’s fine.” Why was she so nervous? It wasn’t like she hadn’t been out with Gabriel before. The ride to the restaurant was quiet.

“Will you tell me more about your life in San Francisco?” Gabriel asked after they ordered their food.

She hesitated for a moment, but realized she wanted him to understand about how she’d changed. “Sure.” Dani told Gabriel about her life in San Francisco and how she discovered kink. He would stop her at times and ask questions. He seemed surprised when she told him there had been no sex between her and her Dom.

In turn, she asked him about becoming part of Zeke’s construction company and how he liked his job. It was almost like a first date.

Food arrived. They ate and chatted about their friends and how much Pleasant Valley had changed. Gabriel asked about the landscaping business, and Dani was happy that the company was doing so great. With all the landscaping around the club and other jobs, she barely kept up.

Their empty plates were taken away. “This was nice,” she said.

“Yes.” Gabriel started to drum his finger on the table, but stopped the second he realized what he was doing.

Dani hid a grin.

“I think you understand I want us to be more than just friends.”

She swallowed as she tensed up. “Yes, but I’m not sure we can be.”

“I’d like to try if you’re willing.”

There was something in his expression. Hope, combined with a little bit of fear. “You said if?”

“Kink is all about consent. It’s come to my attention that I never really asked you. That was my mistake, and I won’t break the consent convention again. It’s important to me and to the lifestyle.”

Dani tilted her head and stared at him. “What changed?” Something had to have happened for him to come to this revelation.