Page 22 of Tantalize

“Yes, let’s.” Dani liked Tessa, and she wanted to spend more time with her.

* * * *

Dani laughed so hard she had tears running down her face. “Oh my God, Damon makes adult toys, and your father threatened to out him?”

“He did. The thing is, Damon isn’t ashamed of what he does.”

“Nor should he be.” Dani loved how open Tessa was, not that the others weren’t, but she’d really only had one best friend in her life, and that was Allyson.

“When it all went public, Damon and I didn’t care about us, but we were worried about the club. Max and Jordan let us know in no uncertain terms that the club would be just fine.”

“It looks that way. I know I haven’t been a member long, but business has picked up. Even I can tell that.”

“Yes, I can’t wait for the new expansion to open.” Tessa sat back in her seat. “So you and Gabriel were lovers in college.”

Dani coughed. “Yes.”

“Then why is he moping around, and why didn’t you stay on Saturday night.”

“Gabriel is moping?” That was news to her.

“According to Jordan, he’s like a bear pulled out of hibernation before he was ready.”

Dani could picture Gabriel’s expression. “It’s a long story.”

“Give me the highlights.”

“We were lovers in college, had a bad break up; I went to San Francisco, and now I’m back.”

“There’s more than that.”

“A bit. Let’s just say my introduction to kink was done poorly.”

“But you’re into it now.”

Dani nodded. “While I was in San Francisco, I learned about the lifestyle. I enjoy certain aspects of it.”

Tessa frowned. “It doesn’t sound like you had a good experience in the Bay Area.”

“It wasn’t bad. Nothing like Allyson’s, but Wicked Sanctuary is so different. Safe. Comfortable.”

“It is.” Tessa beamed. “Max has made sure there is a safe place for subs and Doms alike. Even through all the crap with my father, Max kept the club secure.”

“I noticed security is big here. It was one of the reasons I volunteered to help Ralph.”

“Once the upgrades are finished, there will be even more security measures. A few people have slipped through, but Max is constantly working to make sure everyone is safe and happy.”

“It’s like a small family.”

“It is. An extended family where if you need anything, ask. We’ll be there for you.”

Dani swallowed. “That’s nice.”

“Which brings me to the point of this lunch.” Tessa grinned. “Do you need help bringing Gabriel to heel?”

“What?” Dani sputtered.

“Hey, we subs know how to get our Doms to behave the way we want. It just takes cunning and time.”