Page 20 of Tantalize

“We still need to talk,” Gabriel said.

“Not until you get it through your thick skull that I’m not like your mother and never will be.”

“Dani…” he started.

She held up her hand. “I understand your parents influenced you a lot when it comes to relationships. I get it. But I’m not willing to sit here and discuss my life with you unless you’re willing to make an effort.”

“I’m the one who asked you here.”

“You did. But I’m seeing you haven’t changed much. I have.” She took a breath as Lara arrived with their food in bags. “Thank you for lunch, but think about what I said before you contact me again.” Dani stood and picked up her bag. “Good food, Lara.” She walked out, her heart pounding and a lead ball in her belly.

* * * *

Gabriel watched Dani walk out, frozen in his seat. What the hell had just happened? He glanced up at Lara. “Sorry, Dani and I seem to cross wires every time.”

“Maybe you should listen to what she’s really trying to say.” Lara turned and walked away.

Gabriel picked up his bag, walked into the main part of the café, and dropped some money in the tip jar before going out to his vehicle. Now what? He wasn’t going to go to the club tonight. No, he wasn’t ready to see Dani there and possibly playing with another Dom.

He slammed the door of his SUV. He’d call Zeke, but he’d taken Allyson, her aunt, and his mother to go see a play in Seattle. There was only one thing he could do. That was work. He’d put Dani out of his mind until he could talk with Zeke.

* * * *

Gabriel knocked on the door of Wicked Sanctuary, and it was pulled open. “Good to see you, Gabriel,” Jordan said. “Zeke commented you’d be here.”

“Yeah.” Gabriel had briefly talked to Zeke yesterday afternoon, and Zeke told him about the Dom meeting today and that he should come.

“We’re all in back in the temp classroom.” Jordan motioned down the hall.

Gabriel followed Jordan, and when he stepped into the room, he was glad to see most of the Wicked Sanctuary Doms there. Zeke waved him to a seat next to him. Gabriel sat down.

“I didn’t expect so many to be here,” Gabriel said softly.

“It’s actually a good group,” Zeke said.

“It’s two, so let’s start,” Max said. “Anyone want to pipe up with action items?”

For the next two hours, they talked about the subs, items Doms were unsure about, and gave advice. Not that Gabriel had much advice, but now he knew why Zeke encouraged him to come. The Doms gave him some insight on things he’d never thought about.

The meeting broke up, and he walked with Zeke out to the parking lot. “You okay, buddy?” Zeke asked.

“Yeah.” Gabriel leaned against his vehicle. “Actually, no. Dani and I can’t seem to see eye to eye right now.”

“Ah. That explains the lengthy phone call Allyson had yesterday.”

“I’m sorry.” Gabriel didn’t know what else to say.

“I only know what you’ve told me about the history between you and Dani, but I do know she’s not afraid of kink. If you want to be her Dom in the club, you’ll need to prove to her you know that as well.”

“My head is aware, but the gut clenches every time.”

“Why is that?”

“I told you how she reacted.” He ran his hand through his hair.

“Any woman would have reacted that way. You brought up spanking out of the blue; you said yourself she was stressed about finals. Now think how you would feel if someone, while you were super stressed, brought up, let’s say bloodletting.”

Gabriel scrunched up his face. “Ugh.”