Page 9 of Tantalize

Gabriel released a breath. It would devastate Dani if something happened to either of her grandparents, and he’d been a fool to think she’d have glibly returned to her San Francisco life. Of course she’d stayed to take over the family landscaping business after Bert had his heart attack. Gabriel wanted to slap himself. Dani had been here all the time, and his assumptions had wasted a lot of time.

Maggie leaned over to tap Gabriel’s knee, getting his attention. “We’re sorry we couldn’t tell you about Dani. Right now, I think she needs some privacy.”

“And I get the distinct feeling you’re the reason,” Bert said, lasering Gabriel with a protective stare.

Gabriel took another sip of tea. “Dani and I are not back together.” At least not right now, but they damn sure were going to have a talk one of these days. He stayed and talked with Maggie and Bert for another hour. He told them he noticed that the house could use a good coat of paint and not to worry. That he’d take care of it. When he stood up to go, Maggie walked into the front door and gave him another hug.

Maggie looked up at him. “You’re a good man at the core, Gabriel. I don’t know what Dani’s reasons are for not talking to you. If I tell you where she lives, can you promise me you won’t hurt her?”

“I could never hurt Dani.” The response, immediate and burnt into his soul, was the truth. He never wanted to be the reason Dani was in pain. Was she now? Because of him? Clueless as to what was going on with Dani, he needed to find her now more than ever. They definitely had some things to talk about.

Maggie eyed him long and hard, finally nodding. “I guess it can’t hurt to let you know where she is. She’s got an apartment over on Jackson Way. That new apartment building. The fancy one.”

“I know the one.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Maggie.” Gabriel jogged to his work truck. He knew exactly which apartment building. He’d been the architect on the project. Now, to go over there and have that talk with Dani.

* * * *

Dani blew out a breath as the small moving truck Zeke volunteered to drive pulled up with Allyson following, driving their vehicle filled with Dani’s stuff. Bennett and Austin were right behind Allyson. They were the muscle, as they called themselves.

How much shopping did she and Allyson do last weekend? She didn’t think it had been that much, but now she wondered. Her new apartment had two bedrooms, a family room, small dining room, and another room for storage that would eventually become her home office.

Over the next few hours, the moving truck was unloaded while she and Allyson made the beds and set up her bedroom. Once that was done, they started to work on the bathroom. They hung a new shower curtain and placed the matching sea-colored rugs on the floor.

Her phone buzzed with a text. The furniture company would be here at four. Her family room was now larger so she’d bought a better sofa, plus bookcases, side tables, and an entertainment center. There was a lot of work still to do. Thank goodness she’d shifted most of her gardening jobs to other days, and she had a good crew taking over the ones she couldn’t do right away.

She glanced around the apartment. There were boxes everywhere. “Can you move these boxes into the storage room?” she asked Zeke.

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a salute.

“I think you’re livable for now,” Allyson remarked as Zeke walked back into the room. “We need to be somewhere else.”

“Go.” She waved her hands at them. Bennett and Austin had left a half hour ago to return the rental truck. “You’ve both been so helpful.” She hugged them. It was wonderful to have such good friends in Zeke and Allyson.

The furniture company arrived. She showed them where she wanted her new family room furniture and then went into the kitchen. She began unpacking those boxes and listened to the moving men talk and joke with each other as they carried in her purchases and set everything up. Then she heard another voice. A voice that didn’t belong. She turned to see Gabriel leaning against the doorjamb to the kitchen.

“What are you doing here?” Why was she surprised? She hadn’t answered his calls or texts. Her gaze took in what he was wearing. Damn, why did the man have to look so good in a t-shirt and jeans? And why did her heart speed up when she saw him?

“I like the new apartment,” he said with a brazen grin.

“Ma’am, we’re about done. Would you make sure we have this the way you want it,” one of the delivery men said.

Dani marched to the kitchen entrance and stared at Gabriel until he stepped out of her way. She walked into the family room. “That’s perfect. Thank you.”

“If you just sign here”—he handed her a clipboard and a pen—“we’ll be on our way.”

Dani took the clipboard and signed her name. She was handed a receipt, and the delivery men left. She turned to Gabriel. “Go away. This isn’t it a good time.”

“Will there ever be a good time?”

“Probably not.” She knew they needed to clear the air, but she didn’t want to look at the past today. For the last three years, she’d forced herself to look forward and not back. Back hurt too much. Gabriel had never been a patient man, though, and he wouldn’t let this go until they talked. “Are you ready to accept that I’m a member of the club?”

Gabriel shook his head. “I know how you reacted when I introduced you to kink. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.”

Dani rolled her eyes and moved back into the kitchen. She might as well finish emptying boxes since it didn’t look like Gabriel was going to go anywhere. “No, a leopard doesn’t change its spots, but it learns how to use them.”

“What are you trying to tell me, Dani?”

“That I’m not the same woman I was when we were in college together.” She put the plates into a cabinet. “You need to get your head around that.”