Page 17 of Tantalize

She bit her lip. “As I said, things change.”

“Sweetheart, you freaked out when I tried to introduce you to kink.” He leaned forward. “Even though we didn’t talk about it afterward, you started to drift away. I thought maybe after graduation, we might revisit kink, but you left.”

Her gut clenched. “I’m sorry.” What else could she say? “I was in a bad place mentally. I didn’t know anything about kink at that time, and yes, you frightened me.” She made a quick decision on what to tell him. “Kink was only part of the issue that caused me to withdraw. I was so stressed about finals.”

“That’s why I thought some kink might help you relax.”

She shook her head. “It was a bad time to spring it on me.” There were some things she wasn’t ready to tell him yet. “We stopped communicating with each other,” she said.

“I agree. I shut down.”

Dani was shocked by the admission. The old Gabriel never would have said that. But he wasn’t to blame for everything. “I have to take some responsibility as well. You wouldn’t listen to me when I tried to explain things to you. I…” She didn’t know what else to say.

“I get it. Now what?” He spread his hands out in front of him.

She sat, thinking for a moment. “Do you think we can be friends?” They were bound to see each other. While she’d avoided running into him since she got home, after the bookstore, the Band-Aid had been ripped off. She wasn’t going to avoid him anymore.

“I’d like us to be friends, but I’m also not sure about you playing at Wicked Sanctuary.”

She yawned. The early day was catching up with her.

“You’re tired.” He reached out and took her hand. “We do need to talk about why you’re at the club, but I want you well rested when we have the talk. How about lunch tomorrow?”

There was a twinge of frustration in his voice, and she bit her lip. She didn’t mean to do this to him, but she wasn’t going to give up something that made her happy. “I can do that.”

His eyes brightened. “Sweet & Savory at eleven. I’ll get us a table in the back.”

“All right.” Another yawn escaped her lips. “Sorry, I was up at four.”

“It’s okay.” Gabriel stood and helped her to her feet. When they reached her apartment door, he opened it. “Lock it behind me.”


“You bet I am.” He leaned down and brushed a soft kiss over her lips, stepped through the threshold, and shut the door.

Dani locked it, but instead of moving away, she laid her palms against the door as if she could see feel Gabriel’s presence. Would he be able to accept she was now into kink? And how would he feel when she eventually told him why she’d pulled away.

She pushed away from the door, turned off the lights, and made her way into her bedroom. Tears threated to spill over. She cried enough all those years ago. Even now, she felt as if a part of her was missing. A part she could never get back. She also worried Gabriel would never forgive her for what happened.

* * * *

Dani stepped into Sweet & Savory the next day and looked around for Gabriel. “He’s in the new area,” Lara said.

“Thanks.” Dani fought against the embarrassment of Lara knowing who she was looking for. There was nothing to be self-conscious about. She walked into the new section of the café. It was great that Lara had been able to expand her business.

Gabriel stood the moment he saw her. “Hey, Dani,” he said, pulling out a chair for her.

“Gabriel.” She sat. These little gentlemanly things Gabriel did warmed her heart. She’d forgotten how considerate he could be.

“What would you like to eat?” he asked as he hovered next to her.

“How about a bowl of broccoli cheddar soup, the veggie wrap, a piece of my favorite cake, and iced tea, please.”

“Coming right up.” Gabriel went to order, and Dani sat back in her chair. She was a little tired today, but that was because her mind wouldn’t shut down last night. She kept thinking about her and Gabriel.

A number was deposited at the end of the table as Gabriel sat down across from her. “Drinks will be here shortly.”

Dani nodded. She didn’t know what to say.