“Let’s play truth or dare,” he says out of the blue.

What is he up to?

My eyebrows climb up my forehead. I scoff. “What are we? Twelve?”

“We can make it a drinking game.” He smirks.


“If you choose not to do a dare or don’t answer the question, you have to take a shot.”

I watch him waltz to the kitchen and grab a bottle of bourbon and two shot glasses, then he sets them on the coffee table in front of me. I can use this opportunity to get to know him better and dig a little deeper about his life and find out what happened to his ex—Harper. His father also mentioned a woman named Gemma. Maybe he was cheating on Harper with Gemma? He hasn’t given me signs that he was a cheater, but you never know. People have dark pasts, I know mine isn’t squeaky clean.

“I’ve never played that,” I shoot back.

He pours both of us shots and hands one to me, tilting his head to the side like the Leaning Tower. “Not even in college?”

I shake my head. “Beer pong was more my thing, but I wasn’t allowed to drink a lot.”

“Oh, yeah. Why not?”

He sits next to me and downs his shot before pouring himself another.

“Link wouldn’t allow it; he said I embarrassed him in front of his friends.” I shake my head. “You were supposed to ask me truth or dare. No more asking me questions until it’s your turn.”

“Fuck him. The more you tell me about him, the more I want to make his life a living hell.” He strokes my cheek and I blush.

I grab the shot and down it, and the liquor burns my throat. How the fuck does he drink this shit all the damn time?

“Me too, Jasper. I thought about slashing his tires and setting his car on fire like Bernadine fromWaiting to Exhaledid to her husband. Have you seen the movie?”

“No, is it a chick flick?”

I sit on my knees and rest my hands in my lap. “Yes. Would you watch it with me one day?”

“Yes, I will. I’ll watch anything you want.” He pauses. “I used to play truth or dare all the time in college.” He leans back onto the leather couch and rests his arm on the back of it. Jasper’s presence engulfs me like a tidal wave, I’m surrounded by his dominant space. He smells so good. Something woodsy, maybe sandalwood.

“Please don’t tell me you were a party animal in college.”

He takes a shot, then pours another one. “No, Atlas was the party animal. I liked it, but it wasn’t my jam. I liked going to the bonfires and sneaking into bars.”

“I bet you did a lot of fucking and played games on women, those poor college girls. ‘Let me put the tip in, that’s it. That’s all. Just this one time,’” I mock. “Or whatever boys used to say to get in girls’ panties.”

He chuckles. “No, it doesn’t take much for me to find someone to fuck. But women used to say, ‘You’re so big, Jasper. I don’t think you are going to fit.’”

“‘I promise I’ll call you in the morning,’” I shoot back, laughing like a hyena.

He bursts out laughing, too, and it’s nice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with his guard down, so carefree. I like this version of him, the fun version.

“Okay, you go first,” he says, pouring into the glasses once more.

“Truth or dare?” I ask him.

He taps his thumb against his chin. “Truth.”

“Is it true you only date models?” I ask.

He leans toward me, he’s so close his mouth is an inch from mine. I can smell the liquor on his breath. “Of all the questions, you want to ask that?”