We’re having the engagement party in the backyard of the mansion where we shot our engagement photo shoot. Luckily, the air is cool and crisp as the sun sets. So many people are here to celebrate our big day. The mayor is here along with his wife, and there are a few actors and actresses as well as businesspeople. Even members of the American Billionaire Club are here. I had no idea Jasper knew so many people.

I get a waft of the fresh flowers, and I pluck a yellow sunflower from the bunch and tuck it in my hair.

The air cools my heated skin and the sky bleeds an orange and purple color, blending together.

The dress I’m wearing is a backless number made from the finest threads.

Jasper stands next to me, wearing a short-sleeved dress shirt and shorts. I wanted our party to be a casual attire and not too formal. A party where people can relax and actually enjoy themselves.

Jasper brushes a kiss across my forehead and people stare at us in awe. Cameras flash. I feel like a fraud for lying. The guests have brought expensive gifts and gave us words of encouragement on this new journey we’re about to start. My eyes search the crowd, hoping to spot my mother even though Sophia told me she wasn’t planning on attending. I haven’t seen anyone from my family yet. Hopefully, someone will show up. I can’t focus on the negatives right now, and I have to see the silver lining in this. So, if they don’t show up, at least we will still have a great time.

Jasper pulls me toward a table, and we stand across from a man who appears to be in his early sixties with poorly dyed black hair.

“Nix,” Jasper says, squeezing my hand tight. “This is my fiancée, Poppy Giles.”

Nix’s eyes light up like stars and he takes my hand and brings it to his mouth before kissing it.

“Poppy, this is Uncle James’s best friend and a board member of Wolfgang Bank.”

“Oh. It’s lovely to meet you,” I say.

“The pleasure is all mine. I can’t wait to have your future husband at our company.” He pats Jasper on the back. “He knows how to run numbers and is good at getting businesses out of the hole.” He shakes his head. “Ever since James passed away, the numbers in the company have been down. It hasn’t been the same since his death.”

“He was a good businessman,” Jasper says, and I don’t miss the sadness in his tone.

“Jasper,” a young woman calls his name.

We both look to see a girl who looks like she’s in high school. She has glasses resting on the bridge of her nose and she’s wearing a flowery dress with black stockings.

I’ve never seen him so excited to see anyone. I mean, no one other than Atlas and Trent.

She hugs Jasper tightly. “Why haven’t you been returning my calls or text messages? Are you avoiding me again?”

“Lacey, you called me one time, and you sent a single text message. I’ve been busy.”

Her eyes veer to me, and she smiles widely. “Poppy. It’s an honor to meet you.” She opens her arms wide, and I smile and accept her warm embrace. “I’m Jasper’s sister. He always goes on about how he thinks you’re hot.”

I glance up at Jasper and he says, “I said that one time. Lacey likes to exaggerate stuff.”

I’ve never seen Jasper interact with anyone with a smile, and he looks at her as if he adores her. You can tell he loves his sister.

She loops her arm with mine. “We’re going to be great friends.”

I am all for being her friend, she reminds me of Sophia when she was younger. “How do you figure?”

“Because you’re a Capricorn and I’m a Libra, so our zodiac signs get along.”

I giggle and glance at Jasper, and he shakes his head.

“I guess we’re going to get along so well then.”

“You and Jasper are meant to be together.” She leans in and whispers, “Despite your marriage not being real.”

I look at her as if she has three heads. “Why’d you say that?”

“Jasper is a Taurus, and they are compatible with your sign.”

“All right, that’s enough of that. Lacey, we have to meet other people. I will talk to you later,” Jasper interrupts, annoyed.