I go home, change my pants, grab her a change of clothes, and tell Chance to drop it off to her at the hospital. I can’t look at her right now. She knew I didn’t want kids and yet she went behind my back and skipped a day of taking her pills, all so she could have a baby.

I’m not going to be a good father. I couldn’t even help Harper and yet here I am, about to have a baby with Poppy. I know I’m going to fail him or her too. I don’t know where we go from here. I don’t know if I want to be with a woman who tried to trap me with a baby.

This feels like the situation with Gemma again. She lied to me and said she was on birth control when we fucked, and I did use a condom with her. But she lied about her pills. She just wanted to trap me with a baby so she could be set for life, but I don’t think Poppy is doing that. She wanted a child because she wanted someone to love. She went ahead and got pregnant. I don’t want to be with someone who’s not going to think about my needs.

It’s funny, I went into this marriage to fulfill a business deal, but I ended up getting my heart involved. I ended up falling in love with someone who ended up deceiving me, just like Gemma did.

Now, I have to man up and take care of my child. But I’m going to keep my distance from Poppy until I drop the news to her that we can no longer be together. That I can’t be with a woman who lied to my face. I don’t think I can survive this heartbreak, but I have to do what’s best for me. I have to protect myself.

I don’t want to be with someone who lied to me.


Isit on the hospital bed, trying to make sense of everything. I bring my knees to my chest and rest my chin on them.

Did I skip a day of my birth control pill?

Yes, but after that I took them religiously and I made sure to take them every single day.

Did I do get pregnant on purpose?

Of course not.

I wouldn’t do Jasper like that. I knew he didn’t want kids, and I wouldn’t burden my children with a parent who didn’t want them. I experienced it with my mother.

I’m happy I’m pregnant, but I’m also hurt and torn because the man I love doesn’t want our baby. Doesn’t want me anymore. I thought he trusted me and got over his fear of not being a good parent, but he was a good parent to Harper. I could see it in the photos and the videos I watched.

I just want this nightmare to be over.

For the first time in my life, I feel the loneliest I’ve ever felt.

I grab my phone from my purse and I text Lake, letting her know I’m in the hospital. I need someone to talk to. Someone who can help me with the situation I’m in. Someone who is more logical when it comes to relationships.

She responds that she’ll pick me up when I’m ready.

There is a knock at the door, and Chance pops his head in, a bag in his hand.

“Thanks. Where did Jasper go?” I ask.

“He went home,” he answers before turning on his heel and leaving.

Sighing, I go through the bag and find a sweater and a pair of leggings. I put them on and place my hair in a messy bun. Even when we’re fighting, he’s thinking about me.

I should have ended this marriage the night he told me no to having children. I shouldn’t have put my dreams on the back burner for him, or anyone for that matter. Hitting rock bottom makes me realize it even more. I should have told him right then and there that I skipped a day of taking my pills, but we both played a part in it.

The nurse hooks up the IV to my arm, and I feel a lot better than I was before.

An hour later, I am discharged, and I wait by the curb as Lake gets out of her car. She hugs me tight before putting my bag in the trunk.

Once we were in the car, I burst into tears. All the pain hits me at once. I might lose my husband because of my stupid mindlessness, and he doesn’t trust me.

“What’s wrong, Poppy?”

“I’m pregnant. Jasper thinks I tried to trap him with a baby. I missed a day of taking my birth control pills.”

I can’t hold it in anymore. I let all the pent-up anger release in the form of my tears, the fear that he might leave me creeping up inside.

What if he divorces me?