“Promise me, Jasper. Please,” I almost beg.
He leans forward and brushes his lips against my forehead. “You’re not going to fall in love with me, Poppy. You worry too much.”
“I’m not the type of guy you fall in love with. I’m the type you fuck and leave.”
He’s dead wrong about himself and the fact that he feels like he’s unlovable breaks my heart, but I don’t voice it out loud. I don’t want him to feel awkward.
“What do you want to do today?” he asks.
I’m glad he changed the subject.
“Go to the flea market.”
“The flea market?”
“Yes, they have all kinds of stuff I want to buy. I started shopping there when my mother kicked me out.”
He cups my face and kisses me hard, sliding his hand up my thigh. “Okay, but before we go, let’s do another around of sex.”
The flea market is packed with people. I glance up at Jasper and he looks like a fish out of water, scared. Actually scared. I guess a billionaire like him doesn’t buy used stuff from other people. Why would he? He can buy anything he wants at any moment. He grabs my hand and I attempt to snatch it away, but he grips it tighter.
“Do not remove your hand from mine,” Jaspers snaps.
I accidentally bump into a kid and apologize. Her mother rolls her eyes, pulling her daughter close to her.
“We’re only friends, Jasper. We might be married, but we’re not in a romantic relationship.” He frowns at my words but keeps his grip firm and hard.
“Behind closed doors we’re only friends, but in public you’re my wife—and you’re going to behave like it.”
“You’re bossy,” I snap.
“I’m not denying that.”
I smile inwardly.
People flood the market as we walk by all the different stands. Vendors offer us different things to buy. We stroll to Angela’s station, a woman who sells jewelry. She also fed me a few times when I didn’t have enough money to buy myself a meal. She’s a sweet lady and has a heart of gold.
Her gray eyes bounce between me and Jasper, a smile spreading across her face. She has her hair up in a ponytail and fine lines decorate the corners of her mouth. She wears a floppy white hat with a matching sweater, and jeans. She waltzes from behind the stand and hugs me tight. I hug her back. She pulls away and lightly squeezes my arm. “Poppy. It’s good to see you, I didn’t get to see you at the wedding.”
“You too,” I reply before turning to face Jasper. “This is my good friend, Angela. She fed me when I couldn’t pay for my meals.”
Jasper smiles and gives her an awkward wave.
“I would like to buy some jewelry,” I tell her.
“Get as many as you want. Monica’s college tuition needs to be paid soon, and I need as many sales as I can possibly get.”
“How much for this whole set?” Jasper asks.
There’s about twenty. “Three thousand,” Angela answers.
“I’ll take them all.”
He pulls out his card and taps the screen as Angela’s mouth drops open. “I can’t take this tip.”
I glance down at the screen to see he tipped her fifty thousand dollars. I can’t fathom giving that much money to a complete stranger. I was only going to give her five grand.