He strokes his jaw and balls up his fist. I step closer, wanting him to hit me so I can knock his teeth to the back of his throat.
“You have always been a pain in my ass. Causing trouble. You ought to be kissing my ass and thanking me for not putting you into the system after your mother died.”
His words stab me in the chest, but I keep my head up high. He always hated me and he always saw me as less than, and I don’t know why. When I was a kid, I used to go out of my way to try to make him proud of me, and make him love me, but after a while, I learned he never will love me. Pain registers in my chest, and I suck in a breath.
“Since you hate me so much, why did you keep me? Why put me through this hell?”
His shoulder bumps into mine. “I kept you because it boosts my image to make me look like a good, loving parent to you when she passed away. A single father trying to make it while grieving his wife. People always love a good sob story.”
“You’re sick in the head.”
“I might be.”
I roll my eyes and storm out of the room. Once I get into my car, Chance drives me back to the office, and I walk past Poppy, not sparing her a glance.
I’m so sick of Tommy, he is always trying to push me around. Like he’s punishing me for something. It’s not my fault I was born when I didn’t ask to be born; he’s the one who decided to stick his dick inside of my mother and get her pregnant. The bastard wants everyone to suffer like him.
I look at the New York skyscrapers, then I go back to working on a document for the board members of Risqué.
I receive a text message from Lacey, and she wants to get ice cream after work. I don’t want to be bothered right now, but I can’t keep pushing her away. At the wedding, I didn’t say too much to her, because I was stressed the fuck out. I can bring Poppy with me. Besides, I can’t avoid her forever and I need to make up for being an asshole to her during our honeymoon. Despite my instincts telling me not to, I shoot Lacey a time and place, and she replies with an “okay.”
I use my intercom to call Poppy into my office. She stands in front of my desk with a tablet in her hand ready for me to bark orders at her. I take in the pencil skirt, white blouse, and my wedding band on her ring finger. Oddly, that turns me on. Oddly, it makes me feel possessive over her, knowing she’s mine and no man can touch her—only me, whenever she will allow me to.
“We’re going to get ice cream with my sister.”
She opens her mouth to say something but closes it, before she finally speaks. “No. I have plans.”
“What’s more important than spending time with your husband?”
“This newJeffrey Dahmerseries on Netflix. Everyone is talking about it on social media.”
“You can watch it later.” I grit my teeth.
She holds her head up high as if she’s the president of the United States. “I. Said. No.”
“I know you’re pissed off at me. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings while we were on our honeymoon. Plus, Lacey has been asking about you.”
The last part is a lie. I’m desperate to be around her, but I’m not going to admit it to her.
“Fine. I’ll do it for Lacey.” She turns on her heel and leaves me alone in my office.
Ihaven’t said two words to Jasper after he made me aware he doesn’t trust me. I moved out of his bedroom and now sleep in the guest room.
I grab my strawberry ice cream cone, which is my favorite flavor, from the clerk at the street stand and turn to glance at Lacey and Jasper. Lacey licks her ice cream, getting it smeared at the corner of her mouth, and she quickly wipes it away. I notice she has a quirky taste in clothing, hot pink leggings, bright yellow shirt, and shoes that match her leggings. Her round glasses sit on the bridge of her nose.
As I continue to lick my ice cream cone, I glance at Jasper to find his eyes venturing toward my tongue then back to my mouth, a smirk spreading across his face. I know what he’s thinking about, the time I gave him head during our second one-night stand. That was two months ago. Two months since he’s been inside of me, and I ache for him, but I have to stay strong and not give in. Jasper made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t trust me.
We stroll through Central Park, and different shades of leaves decorate the pavement and grass. The sky is crystal clear, and the temperature has dropped. I love fall weather and it puts me in a better mood, like the world is saying everything is going to be okay. The wind blows, tickling my forehead and cheeks.
“Blue said he’ll be home a month before the baby is born.” Lacey bites into the cone, chewing loudly.
I cast her a curious glance. “What baby?”
“My baby. I’m two months pregnant.”
She doesn’t even look old enough to have children. “How old are you?”