He studies my face. “If this marriage is going to work, then my personal business is off-limits.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “If people ask about you, how do you expect me to answer?” I shrug. “I can’t be married to someone who can’t open up to me and tell me what’s wrong. I’m not trying to fall in love with you or use the information against you.”

“You can ask me anything, but Harper is off-limits.”

“Fine,” I snap.

He snatches the pillow from the bed and stomps out the bedroom door.

I roll my eyes. “Where are you going?”

“To sleep in the guest room.” The sound of the door slamming echoes off the wall.

I lie back on the bed and exhale loudly.

I don’t know who Harper is, but I’m going to find out.


Islam my stapler on my desk and lie my head down. This day can’t get any worse than it already is. I couldn’t sleep because of the nightmare I had last night, and now Trent is out of the office because his daughter is sick with a respiratory infection, so I have to attend all his meetings. Poppy won’t even acknowledge me because I won’t open up to her about Harper, but I’m not going to because she needs to understand that we’re business partners, not a real couple. If we start opening up about our darkest secrets, we’ll cross a line I don’t want to cross. I’m not the type to share my feelings, so I hope she can deal with that.

I grab my wallet from my breast pocket and pull out of a picture of Harper from when she was two years old. Her doe eyes are looking into the camera, dimples dig deep into her cheeks as she smiles. A birthday cake with two candles sits in the center. I got her aPJ Maskscake of Owlette, her favorite cartoon character. I’d give anything to see her smile and hear her say dada. She knew only a few words and her speech was impaired due to her autism, but I loved everything about her.

I loved fatherhood until it cost me everything.

I still think about the night I lost her. She gave me a reason to live a better life, and my life has been so empty without her. I miss Harper so much. I haven’t had a nightmare in a long time, so what triggered it?

When Tommy strolls into my office, his fists are balled up as he sits in front of me, crossing his leg over his thigh.

Is the universe shitting on me today?

I tuck the worn photo back into my wallet and place it in my pocket.

“I was hoping today was the day you died. What the fuck do you want?” I say through gritted teeth.

He smooths out his tie, ignoring my snide comment. “Our jeweler told me you purchased an engagement ring and wedding band this morning.”

I knew Bruce would tell him about it. He’s a gossip without trying to be. I purposely went to him so he would relay the message to Tommy that I mean business and that I’m going to get married no matter what. He can’t stop it, so he needs to get over the fact that he will never inherit his brother’s company.

I lean back in my chair. “And? What’s your point?”

“It’s stupid for you to go through with this wedding when I’m the rightful owner of James’s company.”

“You’re wasting your time coming here telling me this. Don’t you have something to do? Like tend to your mistress? Or have a date with your prostitute wife?”

“Your grandfather reopened the case of your mother’s death, Jasper,” he says through clenched teeth.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lie.

My grandfather always believed that Tommy killed my mother out of spike because of the affair she had. He believes that when Tommy couldn’t hold the affair over her head anymore, he ended her life. She drowned in a lake that was right behind the mansion at the time. So if Grandfather wants to open up the case, I can’t stop him, no matter how many times I told him he’s being irrational.

“I was bitter about your mother’s affair and what she did to me, but I never laid a finger on her.”

For the first time in my life, I see pain etched in his face. I haven’t seen him look so broken in a long time.

At my mother’s funeral, he bawled his eyes out. I believe him. He might have resented her, but he still loved her because he stuck around. I keep my face neutral and rest my elbows on my desk.

“Well… don’t worry about it. If you didn’t kill her like you say you didn’t, then you shouldn’t have anything to be worried about.”