I get up from the chair and slap a crisp hundred on the table as I walk toward the front entrance of the restaurant.
“What is it, Angel?”
“Link and his bodyguards are here. They beat Michael and now Link is heading to the car.”
Rage fills my lungs, if he puts his filthy hands on my wife, he’s going to wish he wasn’t born. I ball up my fists as I rush outside and get into my car.
“Whatever you do, lock your doors. Where are you?”
“I have no idea. We’re, like, ten minutes away from my apartment.”
“Open the door, Poppy.” I hear Link’s voice.
“Angel, listen to me. Call the cops. I’ll come and get you.”
“No,” she screams.
“You’re coming home with me,” Link yells.
The phone line goes dead and my heart jumps in my chest. I feel as if I’m having a heart attack.
I call the police and tell them everything. I give them my name and they issue an APB on Link.
A notification pops up on my phone. I keep my hand on the wheel while using my other hand to click on the envelope icon.
It’s a message from Michael.
Michael: I managed to put a tracking device on the vehicle Poppy’s in.
An attachment pops up on the screen, and it’s a map.
Link’s penthouse.
Michael: I already called the cops.
It takes me thirty minutes to get there, and I’m so worried about her. What is he doing to her? What if he tries to force himself on her again? What if he beats her? I should have ridden with her to the restaurant. I should have picked her up. All sorts of crazy thoughts run through my head. The thought of him harming her and my baby makes me want to vomit.
Once I get to the front of the building, I slam on the brakes and throw my car in park before heading to the front desk of Link’s building.
I head straight toward the elevator to get to the top floor. I know what floor they used to live on from the background check I did on him after he tried to sexually assault Poppy.
With anxiety clawing its way into my chest, my heart pounds as I beat on the door.
Several moments later, I hear movement. Then, finally, Poppy answers the door.
Her eyes widen, and tears wet her lashes as she bites on her bottom lip. I examine her from head to toe to see if she’s been hurt.
“I don’t want to be with you, leave me alone. I’m in love with Link. He’s the only one for me,” Poppy says.
“Why will you leave me? What did I do?” I play along, tilting my head to the right, silently asking her if he’s right behind her. She nods.
“Okay, I see you don’t love me anymore.”
I hold my hand up and count down from three, then I barge in, pushing Poppy out of the way. Michael grabs her and ushers her out of the apartment.
He came just in time.
Link opens the door wide, reaching for Poppy’s arm, but I grab him by the collar, connection my fist with his jaw. He staggers back, holding his mouth. I slam the door behind me, locking it. I’ve been waiting for this moment forever.