I’m not telling her that he’s acting like I’m his ex-girlfriend or about him losing Harper. It’s none of her business. Plus, it’s his story to tell, not mine.

Sophia sits on the bed beside me. “What about Mother? The only reason you married him was to impress her.”

“Fuck Mom,” I say to her.

I’m still pissed at her for the way she treated me, and I’m not going to speak to her for a while. Now I’m pregnant, I can’t imagine treating my baby the way she treats me. She doesn’t deserve to be in my or my child’s life.

I’m not seeing the good in people anymore, I’m seeing people for who they are and believing in what they show me. No more giving people the benefit of the doubt. That’s been my problem all along, trying to see the good in people when they aren’t good at all. It’s the same for Jasper. He’s selfish and doesn’t have faith in me. Him thinking I’m trying to trap him with a baby cut me deep in my soul, but I have to keep moving forward.

“Have you spoken to her?” I ask.

She nods. “She’s pissed I’m divorcing Tate. I’m a free woman, and I’m so happy now. I would rather be happy than be with someone who treats me like shit.” She holds her head up high. “I cleaned out his bank account before I left and he doesn’t know where we live. I don’t want that monster anywhere near me, so we set up a public place where we meet. He picks Bailey up and has her for the weekends. He keeps saying he wants his family back, but I told him to go back to his slut and leave me alone.” She smiles so wide. I have never seen her this happy. “My life has been so peaceful with him gone. To tell you the truth, I never loved him the way you loved Jasper.”

I want to correct her and saylovebut I’m not going to.

“I hope to one day have that type of love, even if it doesn’t last long.”

“What are your goals for now?”

“I’m still at a community college at night to take classes for nursing and I have a job on campus,” she says.

“I’m so proud of you,” I tell her.

“You too.”

My phone dings with a message, and I grab it to see it’s Link. My heart sinks in my chest.

What the fuck does he want? I haven’t spoken to him since Jasper threatened him, and if he knows what’s best for him, he will stay away from me.

Link: I found out you separated from Jasper. If you ever want to talk, I’m here.

How did he find that out? Jasper didn’t announce it at the press conference the other day. Yes, I still watched it, that’s how much I miss him. The only person who knows is Atlas and Lake, and I know they wouldn’t dare repeat it to another soul.

I shoot him a text message.

Me: I’m still with my husband and I’m having his child. Please stay away from me.

I place my phone on the nightstand.

I wish like hell I was still with Jasper. I wish like hell to be in his arms right now. I wish like hell for him to call me and tell me he misses me, but I know that won’t happen, and if he does, it will never be the same between us.

I don’t want to be angry with him. I just want to do what’s best for our kid.


Iwanted to call Poppy so badly and tell her how much I miss her. How quickly did I forget that I’m mad at her? Well… hurt is the better word for it. I’m so hurt. Really hurt. I’ve never been this hurt in a long time.

Atlas had a point—I am self-sabotaging this relationship, because I’m scared. So I’m taking it out on Poppy. I’m finding ways to escape this marriage because, honestly, I don’t deserve to be loved by Poppy. I don’t deserve to be happy.

I know deep down she didn’t trap me with a baby on purpose. I just wanted her to say it, so I can feed into the fear. I wanted her to be the bad guy in my story, so I wouldn’t have to face my own demons. Now here I am, not knowing if she will hear me out, not knowing if I lost my marriage—my wife.

Shaking my head, I lean back in my chair.

The CEO who is going to take my place at Risqué is a woman named Zoie Johnson and just from me training her, I can tell she’s going to be a good fit here. I look around my office. I’m not going to miss working here.

I’m finally going to pursue my dream and take over James’s bank. I still have to sign the paperwork, and I’ll be in and out of meetings with the board members. I’m starting my training to get me prepared to take over soon. I pretty much know how to run the business as James taught me most of how it works before he passed away. I should be happy my dreams are about to come true, not being tied down to a woman, but I’m not happy at all.

I just want to crawl in a hole and live there.