The car comes to a complete stop, and Atlas slides out of the limo before I can say anything more. We’ve arrived at a restaurant but I’m not in the mood to eat or do anything right now. I just want to go home and drink myself to sleep.
“We’re getting lunch. You’re not sitting in your penthouse sulking and thinking of more ways to sabotage the only good thing that’s in your life.”
He leans in front of the car door. “You’re going to think about everything I said before you do anything stupid or dumb. I’m not letting my best friend fuck up his life. Sober the fuck up so we can plan your groveling, because you’re getting Poppy back.”
“Why do you care about my marriage?”
“Because my wife is worried about Poppy, and if Lake isn’t happy, then I’m not happy.”
“Who’s the selfish bastard now?” I smirk.
“Shut up and get your ass out of my limo.”
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
Glancing at the ultrasound picture, I can barely see the baby. The doctor informed me I’m two months pregnant and my peanut is the size of a raspberry. That means I was taking my pills and Jasper was still using a condom when I conceived, so it must have been that time when the condom broke. I’m almost certain I got pregnant the night we agreed to be friends with benefits. I would go to Jasper to let him know, but what’s the point? He has his head so far up his ass that he wouldn’t believe me; he believes I’m like Gemma.
Tears threaten my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I refuse to allow someone to hurt me anymore, and I don’t have to prove anything to him. I’m tired of the aching pain in my chest, tired of worrying my child won’t have the family I dreamed of.
I glance at the night sky through the window. I’ve recently leased an industrial two-bedroom apartment for me and my little peanut. The bedroom set only came in today, and I’m waiting for the rest of my furniture to be delivered.
I did research on how to live like a single mother. Maybe I can hire a nanny to help me part-time, and Jasper can get him or her every other weekend, and we’ll split the holidays? Since he loves his contracts so much, we can even get it in writing. Thinking about doing this all alone sounds stressful. On a few websites, it mentions that babies have to be fed every two to three hours and to be prepared for constant diaper changes even during the nighttime. I might need someone to help with that as well.
When the baby is about eight months, I’m going to have to start going back to work, so I’m going to put her or him in daycare… and speaking of daycare, I’m going to put my dreams of opening a daycare for special needs kids on hold until I get my life sorted. Until I get used to my new norm. I’m excited to be a mother and give someone unconditional love.
I refuse to think it’s the end of the world that I’m pregnant and alone.
The doorbell rings, and I rush to open it. Sophia has Bailey on her hip. My niece smiles and waves at me as she says, “Juice.”
The last time I saw her, she wanted to play peekaboo. She has grown so much over the last few months.
I wonder how my peanut is going to turn out.
Is he or she going to have Jasper’s hair color or will they have my skin tone? It makes me even more excited to see him or her.
Bailey’s doe eyes grow wide and she giggles. My sister steps inside and shuts the door behind her. She glances around. “Your apartment looks nice. But why are you living here?” She removes her coat and tosses it on the counter, then I usher her to my bedroom so she can sit. I still have clothes in suitcases and haven’t unpacked yet.
I haven’t told her about Jasper and me and our breakup.
I exhale, finally letting the tears fall down my cheeks. I don’t know whether it’s the hormones or if I’m just really sad. I have been trying my best to keep it together, but I can’t help but fall apart. My sister places Bailey on the floor and wraps her arms around me, and I cry harder.
Bailey yanks on my pant legs, and says, “You cry.”
“We broke up. He doesn’t want me or our baby,” I say through the tears.
She gasps as if she wasn’t expecting me to say that, but it’s the truth.
“He accused me of trying to trap him with a baby. I found out today that I’m two months pregnant, so it must’ve happened when the condom broke.”
“Poppy…” She sighs, stroking my hair. “Is he going to help take care of the baby? You better put him on child support.”
I shake my head. “I’m not forcing a man to take care of their child. I don’t want his money. I have some money saved up now, and with his last name, I’m sure I won’t have a problem getting a job.”
“It takes two to make a baby. This doesn’t sound like the Jasper I’ve met. He loves you.”