“I would have loved her as well. You were a good father, Jasper. And the fire wasn’t your fault. Sometimes things just happen.”
He doesn’t respond for several moments. “I’m still learning to accept her death as an accident and not blame myself. Sometimes, making a simple mistake can change your life forever.”
I nod. “That, I can agree with.”
He brushes a few strands of hair from my face. “Thanks,” he says. “For understanding.”
“That is what fri—”
Jasper doesn’t let me finish speaking as he presses his mouth against mine and kisses me until I’m out of breath.
“Aurora is here. She says she has some important information to give you.” Poppy’s voice booms through the speaker of the phone.
My dick gets so hard just from hearing her voice. Today is her last day working for me, and I’m going to miss having her around during the days. I’m going to miss the quickies and having lunch together. My new assistant starts tomorrow morning, and Poppy made sure I hired a man. I love that she’s just as jealous and possessive of me as I am of her.
“Send her in, Angel,” I reply.
Aurora called me earlier and informed me she had something to tell me about my mother. Ever since I found out Judy, our old neighbor, was an eye witness to my mother’s death, I haven’t worked up the courage to go see her. Honestly, I don’t know how to ask her, because if I go in there making demands, she won’t give me the information I need.
Aurora makes her way to my desk, places a small box on top, then sits across from me, yanking her skirt over her knees.
“Is this a bad time?”
I shake my head as I lean back in my seat and discard my stress ball on the desk.
I remove the lid from the box. “What is this?”
“You told me to find something that can bury your father. So, I did. Well, I think I did.” She frowns, picking up a picture frame of me and Poppy on our wedding day. Poppy put it there along with a few other photos of us. She added those pictures because she wants everyone who enters my office to know we are married, and surprisingly it doesn’t bother me.
Aurora looks at me and tucks her golden hair behind her ear.
“You’re glowing.”
The sun beams from the window, highlighting her features. Aurora is beautiful in her own quirky way. She has on a bright yellow shirt and matching skirt with red knee-high socks.
“Men don’t glow,” I say, side-eyeing the box. “What is this?”
“I went through your uncle’s storage. I found these boxes of letters. I think you should read them.” She sighs. “If you decide to read them, I think you should do it in the privacy of your home, because the information in them will shock you.” She grins from ear to ear. “Also, whatever Poppy is doing to you, I like it.”
I cock my eyebrow. “You mean blowing and fucking me every day?”
Her cheeks flame. “You’re so crass, Jasper. No, I mean, you’re cheesing hard, and you can’t seem to take your eyes off the pictures of her. You got it bad.”
“What do I got bad?”
“You can’t be this slow! You’re in love with her.”
She’s right. I’m falling for Poppy, but I didn’t think it was noticeable. I don’t want to talk about my relationship or my love life with Aurora.
“How is Claire?” I ask her about her partner instead, deflecting.
“She’s great. We celebrated our five-year anniversary.” She gets up from the chair. “If I find out any more information about your uncle, I’ll let you know.”
She strides to the door, closing it behind her.
I watch her chat with Poppy through the glass door. Poppy laughs, and it brightens my whole day. Shaking my head, I remove a letter from one of the envelopes and read it.