Page 25 of Saints and Sinners

Sliding onto the benchbeside Fynn, I stretch out my legs as I lean back and watch all the poor saps rushing around, trying to get to class on time. Oakley is scrolling through his phone while Fynn just stares at me.

“What the fuck are you staring at, bro?”

“You just rubbed one off, didn’t you?” He grins.

“What? Were you in the next stall or what, fucking creeper!” I shake my head and snicker.

“No, but I can tell after you have had a huge release. Your face seems more relaxed than any other time.”

I scoff, “Whatever. Stop being fucking weird.”

“It’s true,” Oakley chimes in, “He does it to me all the fucking time. It is creepy.”

“Nah,” I chuckle, “Everybody knows you rub one off almost every time you use the restroom. That’s a no-brainer there.”

My friend looks up from his phone, grinning, “This is very true.”

“Damn, what the fuck happened to him?” Fynn questions, and we follow his stare. That Chris guy is walking with some friends while holding an ice pack to his forehead; blood still covers the front of his shirt.

I let out a growl, “The fucker had the audacity to tell me that he jerked off, picturing our Saint bent over, calling him Daddy.”

Oak sneers, “He’s lucky that it was you he said that to. I would have fucked up his knee, so he couldn’t play football for the rest of the season.”

“Damn, I didn’t even think about that.” I say, chuckling before leaning forward to look around Fynn to see Oakley better, “So, is the contract ready?”

“Yep, all I have to do is grab it and the dagger from the safe. I’ll meet the two of you a little before three in the library.”

“I may be late. Daddio wants to talk to me again. This is getting ridiculous, but he said that I should be out of there to make my three o’clock appointment.” Fynn smirks.

“Yeah, I’m still avoiding mine,” I grin at Fynn, “You should take notes from me on how to do it yourself.”

“What the fuck ever, dude; my meetings with my dad aren’t like yours. Nowhere near like them.” He chuckles, and I shrug.

“Whatever, either way, have fun. I’ll be there making sure the deed gets done without a hitch.” I clap my hands and rub them together, “I can’t wait to see her reaction to it.”

Oakley stands, getting ready to go, “That’s if she doesn’t decide not to play with us. It all depends on what Kitty Cat is ready for. We aren’t for the faint of heart, you know that.”

Shrugging, I also stand, “I’m not worried. Something tells me that Saint wants to commit many sins, and we are the only ones who can give her what she wants.”

“I hope you’re right,” Oak fist-bumps me, “I’m out of here; see you in a little bit.”

“For sure!” I deliver the same fist-bump to Fynn as he continues to sit on the bench, “Later, bro.”

“Yeah, see ya,” He’s too fascinated by something on his phone to even look at me.

Shaking my head, I walk to my last class, praying that the time flies this time around because I’m jonesing to know what her answer will be to our demands. She has to accept them because even though we do despicable and degrading things with females, it’s always consensual, dubious consent, at the very least. Once more, I’m adjusting my junk because my Lovely Lina has me stirring. This is going to make for a long-ass class!


Istudy my best friendto see his reaction as he reads through the contract. Jett isn't one to give anything away; always a poker face with him. Most of the time, you only know what he's thinking once he's ready to tell. People always think no reaction is bad news, but I know my friend too well; it can go either way.

However, I'm not too worried about his reaction to this contract because I made it up with all three of us in mind. We are best friends for a reason; all three of us are sick fucks regarding women and sex. There is only one thing we don't do, which is anything non-consensual, and that is why I like drawing up contracts or video recording their consent. We may do some sick and depraved shit, but we don't want the backlash of anybody crying sexual abuse or the fucking R word all because we don't return their call the next day.

Plenty of females are willing to do whatever we want, but the moment they say stop, the game is over for good. It will be the same with Kitty Cat. Once she reads some of the things we may request of her at times, she will know just how fucked up we really are.

Her reaction from the other night, when I got off on her, also played a huge factor. I believe my little Kitty Cat has a kinky side that she still keeps tucked away in a closet, and I plan to bring it out.

“So, what do you think?” I raise a brow at Jett, “She will be here any minute.”