Maxim checks out a few different rifles before he nods at the man holding the black bag, who hands it to me.
I check it and count the stacks, rifling through each before I give my nod of assent.
“Are we good?” Maxim asks.
“Yeah. Guess so.”
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Blackwood,” he says, extending a hand.
I glance at it and then look at my brothers. “Ready, boys?”
“Yeah, let’s blow this bitch,” Axle sneers.
I take the money, place it in my saddlebag and hop on my bike.
“We sticking to the original plan you mapped out, Nitro?” Texas confirms as Maxim and his men walk back to the limo.
“Yeah. Cept me and Axle,” I say.
I always deviate from the planned route when doing business with someone I can’t trust, like Maxim. I carry the money, knowing I’m taking the greatest risk. If we get pulled over by the cops, my brothers will be clean and won’t have shit on them.
Me, on the other hand? Well, that’s a risk I’m willing to take as Road Captain of the Sin City MC.
Pulling my helmet on, I glance around, giving my brothers a nod. Hurricane and Texas pull out first, then I pull out with Toad and Frenchie slightly behind me, flanking my left and right, and Axle pulling up the rear.
Maxim and his men pull out behind us, trailing us for a few miles until I switch up. Pulling in front of Texas and Hurricane, I gun my engine, straight pipes ripping through the night of the quiet rural area.
Axle, Frenchie, and Toad pull out right behind me, and we take off into the night with Texas and Hurricane in the van outfitted with a supercharger right behind us. Less than a minute later, I no longer see Maxim’s limo in the distance.
Veering off to the left with Axle beside me and my brothers rolling straight, I become one with Grenade, my bike, taking the curves and leaning into the wind. I know they’ll take the highway in a few miles and return to the city.
Axle’s and my ride will be a bit longer, but necessary. I’m tired. It’s been a long day and an even longer ride, but worth it. All I want is to get back to Sinful Desires, the strip club owned by the Sin City MC but run by my club brother, Ace, and sink into some good pussy to relax my mind.
I glance up at the dancers on stage in front of me working the poles, and Persuasion, one of my favorite strippers, winks and wiggles her tongue at me. Her dance is seductive, eyelids low and heavy from the weed she smoked with me fifteen minutes before taking to the stage.
She’s wearing only a pair of red stilettos and glittery tassels swaying from her tits. Flipping upside down on the pole, she freefalls until she’s an inch from the stage, where she stops.
Always showing off for me, she reverses her position, climbs the pole again and then freefalls again, this time right-side up. Just when you expect her to drop, she stops halfway down the pole, grabs it, and pushes her body away from it before swinging out and in a circle.
Just watching her gets me horny as fuck.
My brothers hoot and holler at Persuasion’s performance, encouraging her on. She slowly swings around the pole until she’s on the floor in a split. She’s the best-goddamned pole artist Ace hired. She’d wanted to be a club whore until she learned about the strip club and decided her skills were best used elsewhere.
Doesn’t stop her from whoring herself out to me and a couple of other brothers whenever she gets the chance.
Persuasion is flipped backward onto her back with one leg in the air and the other bent. I lean forward in my chair, watching her pussy pulse and lean back again when she arches her back and pulls herself upright.
She bites her bottom lip and flexes her tongue at me.
“Later,” I mouth, winking back at her before I grab my beer and take another swig.
Besides relaxing after a successful run, we’re celebrating three prospects patching in tonight.
I remind myself to call my biological brother and twin, Ryan, before bed. Despite being high and having a few beers, he’s on my mind heavily tonight.
I watch the performance until Persuasion sashays her way to the door and beckons to me with her head.