Maximus was crazy! That was the only way I could explain the fact that he proposed to me. He was punch drunk. Pussy power is real! He hit it once and was talking about spending his life with me. Now, don’t get me wrong, the dick was amazing. So much so I would rip the hair out of any woman’s head who even looked his way. That being said, I did not want to marry him. In fact, I didn’t want to marry anyone.
“How about you get some rest, and if you still feel the same in the morning, we can talk about it.”
I knew I would never want to marry anyone. If I had the marrying gene, he would be that guy. However, I have seen too much stuff go wrong between people to tether myself to a man for a lifetime. I had no problem being in a long-term commitment. I could even see myself as an ole lady. That would be more my style. But I would never get married. I think it would take the fun and excitement out of the relationship.
Maximus pulled me into his arms and wrapped me up tight to his body. When he curled his legs around me, I thought he was doing too much. What did he think I was going to do, run away in the middle of the night?
Around 4:12 AM I woke up sweating like a stuck pig, still wrapped in Maximus’ tight embrace. His grip was so tight Superman™ couldn’t pry us apart. What in the world? He needed to move because my bladder was calling me. He had about ten seconds before we were sleeping in a waterbed.
“Maximus, wake up. I need to pee.”
No answer. The man was dead to the world. I hated to disturb him because he did not sleep often, but I was not going to use the bathroom on myself. I shoved my elbow back and nudged him in the ribs.
“Maxi, baby, wake up.”
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
“No, I have to pee, and you’ve got me wrapped up like a boa constrictor.”
“My bad. You just feel so damn good in my arms.”
“I promise to come right back, but if you don’t release me now, it’s going to be a problem.”
As soon as he loosened his hold, I shot out of the bed and ran to the bathroom to relieve myself. I had forgotten all about the damage the gladiator did to my poor pussy. She quickly reminded me of her injury as soon as I took a seat on the porcelain throne. My legs were like linguini, and my arms were sore. Some time last night, Maximus must have slapped my behind several times because my cheeks burned like fire. After I finished my business, I looked in the mirror and found his handprints all over my butt.
Well, that’s one way to claim me. My body was sore, and my pussy ached. I needed a long hot bath, but I decided to jump in the shower for a quick wash. I wanted to be clean in case my man wanted to go another round when I returned to bed. There was no way I would crawl back in bed with him without washing first.
As I gently washed my tinder box, I heard the bathroom door creak open. I heard Maximus relieving himself. Were we really doing this? I have never been in the room when a man used the bathroom before. That was serious couple stuff. I was yanked out of my stupor when the flushing of the toilet caused the water temperature in the shower to run hot for a few seconds.Yikes!
“Maximus! Why did you do that?”
He didn’t say anything, but I heard him chuckling. Before I could rinse off and give him a piece of my mind, he drew back the shower curtain and stepped into the shower with me. Maximus pulled me close to him and poked his erection into the crack of my booty. My pussy had a brief moment of relief when I washed her with warm water, but she started weeping as soon as Maxi slid ‘The Destroyer’ between her lips. He was about to wreck me some more, and I was about to let him.
After a very stringent workout in the shower, I was done for. It was too early in the morning for all this. My body needed rest. Unable to walk on my own, I was surprised when Maximus lifted me in his muscular arms and carried me back to bed. He toweled me off but didn’t use any moisturizer. Lawdamercy, I was going to be as ashy as Larry when I woke up.
The next day, I was working at the bar. When I say working, I mean I was slowly creeping around and looking busy. My body had gone on strike. I drunk three cups of coffee and was still tired. I didn’t even drink the stuff. Now I knew why. It was bitter, and it didn’t work.
It was almost 1:30 PM when Chili decided to grace us with her presence. She looked like death warmed over. I’m sure I didn’t fair any better, but at least I made it to work on time.
“Bitch, I know that’s not you drinking coffee. Maximus must have worn that thing out.”
“And did.”
“Damn, you’re not even going to deny it?”
“Why would I? The entire MC heard us.”
She burst out laughing and stopped abruptly, grabbing her head. That served her right for messing with us. I hope she had a migraine. Chili popped some aspirin in her mouth and chased it with some vodka. When I glared at her, she shrugged.
“It’s an old family remedy for a hangover.”
That made me chuckle. Whoever heard of drinking on top of a hangover? We both knew that wasn’t going to work. What she really needed was some greasy food and a gallon of H2O. As I was adding bottles of beer to the cooler, I heard a commotion coming from the front door. Toad ran inside and yelled at me to get Maximus and to make sure he didn’t have any weapons on him. That couldn’t be good.
As luck had it, Maximus was in the backroom helping to pull down some cases of liquor for me. I ran in the back and told him what Toad said.
“Here, give me your gun and the knives. I don’t know what’s going on, but if Toad said no weapons, he said it for a reason.”
He handed me his gun that I placed in a box of Jack and put back on the shelf. The knives I placed in my boots, in case he needed to get to them quickly. After pulling the pantlegs of my jeans down, you couldn’t tell they were there. As we exited the backroom, I noticed a couple of policemen standing in the clubhouse by the door.