“Now, for my next trick, I need my assistant to help me.”

For the next two tricks, Will has to practically do them himself because Hunter has trouble manipulating the toys. With each, the couch audience applauds with great fanfare.

My son looks adorable as he puts on his show, but I can’t keep my eyes off Will. It’s sweet really. A grown man in a child’s capes, helping a little kid do magic in his living room. He doesn’t know Hunter. He doesn’t really know me, and yet he made today amazing for my entire family. Well, verdict’s still out on Dad.

They take their bows, and I let out a loud whistle, then yawn. It’s seven o’clock. This day has been incredibly long yet quick at the same time.

Izzy takes the bowls into the kitchen and then retreats upstairs, where she’ll probably be for the rest of the night. Hunter gathers his magic kit and puts it away in his room. Dad has made himself scarce, which leaves only Will and me standing in the living room.

“That was quite the show.” I slide my hands into the back pockets of my jeans.

He steps around the coffee table and takes a place by me near the couch. “I think magician’s assistant could be my backup calling if this law enforcement thing doesn’t work out.”

“Nice to have a fallback. You’re not very good at your job.”

He grips his chest in mock offense. “How so?”

“Last I heard, you had a woman imprisoned just so you could talk to her.”

“She was caught breaking and entering. Twice. I was just protecting the community.”

I bite my lip and look down. “We both seem to be making some stupid mistakes lately.”

“Maybe it would have been worse if wehadn’tmade them.”

His words have me looking back up at him. There’s this thing about Will I can’t put my finger on. In one breath, I think he’s this knight in shining armor who is here to rescue me. Then, I think about his called-off engagement and our shared moment at Lone Tavern, and I’m reminded that he’s not the hero I think he is. But he is a hero since he was literally shot while protecting people. Then, he locked me up just to get me to hear his story, which I’m pretty sure is illegal, although I’m not entirely sure.

“William Bronson, I can’t figure you out.”

Every reason I give myself for why he’s good or bad makes it harder to rationalize why I’m standing here with him in my living room.

Why I’m standing here and liking that he’s standing here with me.

“Don’t try. Just let me be me.” He speaks gently.

“I think I can do that.”

He takes a step closer, not too close, but he closes the distance enough that my breath hitches at the sense of his warmth invading my space. It’s a spicy vanilla-scented warmth that makes a shiver run down my arms, like he just placed his hands on my skin and ran his fingers down my sides.

“Good, ’cause I like you. You’re quirky.”

“Not an adjective a woman faints over hearing about herself.”

“I like you just the way you are.”

“Okay, now, you sound like a bad romantic comedy.”

“This isn’t a romance.”

I scratch my head. “Yeah, what is this exactly?”

Will bends down and makes his eyes level with mine. “Two people who happen to be in each other’s life at just the right time.”

I look up at him and unfurl my lip from between my teeth.

With a look at his phone, Will takes a walk toward the kitchen table and grabs his jacket. “I should get out of here.”

“Are you leaving?” Hunter asks as he barrels down the stairs. “Will you come back and do more tricks with me? I need an assistant for the talent show. You can do it with me. I want to levitate. You never showed me how to levitate.”