“There’s a lot of news in that paper.” Will brushes off the comment.

“Not many about men who put themselves in front of a gun to save a stranger. What you did was heroic. Glad to see you’re back on duty.” Dad takes his offered hand. The two shake, and Dad appraises our dinner guest. “You bench?”

“I prefer CrossFit, sir.”

I lean forward. “You don’t have to call him sir. It’s like when you call me ma’am. Very formal.”

“He can call me sir,” Dad says, and Izzy giggles. “I like a man with respect. What’s your name?”

“William Bronson.”

“Good name. You married?” Dad asks as he puts his hands on his hips.

“No, sir.”

“Ever been?”


“Why not? What’s wrong with you?”

“Haven’t met the right woman to settle down with, sir.” If Will is annoyed with this interrogation by my father, he is not letting it show.

“What are your intentions with my daughter?”

I lift a hand and halt the conversation. “Will is just joining us for dinner. Not asking for a hand in marriage. In fact, he’s not even asking for a date. We’re just friends. Just. Friends. Now, sit. I’ll make you a plate.”

I go to stand, but Dad waves me off to sit back down.

“I already ate. Had a bite with Anna.”

I nod and take a bite of my chicken, my mouth too full to respond. Hunter looks down at his plate and moves his food around. Dad strums his fingers along the granite countertop and looks down at the floor in interest.

Will looks around the table, probably feeling the tension that is now dancing in the air like fireflies.

Izzy leans over and explains loudly, “Anna is Grandpa’s girlfriend. Mom’s uncomfortable with the fact that her dad moved on from her dead mom so soon.”

“Izzy!” I scold.

She’s not incorrect, but it’s rather rude to just air other people’s feelings out at a dinner table.

“What? You should try having to quasi-live with your dad’s new girlfriend every weekend. They’re all kissy and huggy and calling each other baby doll, which is super gross. And you’re still alive, and I have to put up with some other lady in Dad’s house. If you want to compare shittydad’s new girlfriendscenarios, trust me, I win. It sucks ass. Big time.”

My jaw is practically on the ceramic of my dinner plate. Dad’s eyes look as wide as can be as he fiddles with the cap in his hands. Izzy hasn’t been this forthcoming with her feelings in, well, ever. It’s good, yet she has terrible timing because she’s calling me out on my feelings, and I don’t like it.

“That does suck,” Will says matter-of-factly. Our gazes shoot to him as he holds a fork full of chicken and declares, “Plus, a grown man being called baby doll is embarrassing.”

“Exactly!” Izzy exclaims as she leans her elbow on the table.

There’s a small bout of silence.

I take a long, deep breath and then let it out in a totalwho gives a fuck anymorevibe. “It could be something way cooler. Like … hot stuff.”

Izzy looks up at me, as does Will, whose mouth tips up in a crooked grin.


“Honeybunny,” I add.