I roll my eyes at them and continue, “And then Tara made a comment about my hair.”

“Why did you bring up the hair? It’s notthatbad,” Jillian chastises Tara.

“Stop being the kind friend. It’s horrible. Melissa always had gorgeous blonde locks. She looks like Brassy Barbie,” Tara states with flailed hands. She accidentally hits someone behind her, who gives her the stink eye and she gives one back.

“Enough talk about negative stuff. You two dragged me here when I should be catching up on some much-needed sleep.” I yawn as I look around the bar that’s not our usual hangout. “Why are we here exactly?”

Lone Tavern is a rustic-themed country music bar with an eclectic crowd. I haven’t been here since my early twenties, and even then, I wasn’t too keen on the place. It’s loud, it smells like day-old beer, and it’s filled with young twenty-somethings, wearing crocheted crop tops.

I glance down at my tank top, skinny jeans, and heels. This used to be a hot outfit to wear on a Saturday night. Now, I need wide-legged jeans with holes in them to fit in.

“There’s this guy I met online who mentioned he was coming here tonight, and I couldn’t show up alone.” Tara’s looking around the room, presumably for the man she’s here to see. Disappointed he hasn’t arrived, she looks back at our table and swivels toward Jillian. “I’m surprisedyoucame out tonight. This isn’t exactly your cup of tea.”

“I would much prefer a refined restaurant in Greenwood Village, but Melissa here looked like hell today at work, and I thought she could use a friend to keep her out of trouble. We don’t want any more arrests tonight.”

I give Jillian the finger and laugh. “Trust me, I won’t be doing anything salacious like that again. Besides, I kicked ass today despite last night’s happenings. That altar I created was ethereal, and every aspect of today’s event went off without a hitch … despite the best man showing up drunk and the flower girl spilling her Shirley Temple all over the seating chart display. I re-created that in a heartbeat.”

“Best calligrapher in the state!” Jillian and I high-five each other. “We really are a great team.”

“Ooh! There he is!” Tara chants as she bolts up from her seat, then sits back down quickly and starts reapplying her lip gloss. “Do I have anything in my teeth?” she asks Jillian, who evaluates her and shakes her head. “His name is Kent, and he’s a sergeant. How hot is that?”

“Which one is he?” I look over the crowd of people toward the front, where she’s gazing.

“Brown hair, trimmed beard. Wearing the T-shirt with a buck on it. I bet he hunts. I love a rugged man.” With a ruffle of her curls, she stands and then adjusts her jeans. “Wish me luck!”

Jillian holds her hands up as to stop Tara. “You’re going over to him? He just got here.”

“Girl, I’m over thirty and single, and I have been in the game long enough to know that if I don’t get over there right now and sink my talons into that man, some other girl is going to get him first. It’s a game of availability, and I, Tara Parsons, am very available. Now, if you’ll excuse me, ladies, I have a sergeant to see.”

She grabs her bag, drains the last of her beer, and saunters off in the direction of her man. I know better than to say anything. I would never call her desperate or overbearing because I’ve never been in her shoes. I’ve been married and had my babies, while Tara is still waiting for the fairy tale.

I lift my now-empty glass and look over at the bar. “I’m getting a refill. Want anything?”

Jillian rises, smoothing out her linen pants. “I’m calling it a night. I have to get Ainsley from my parents’ place, and then I plan to binge someBridgertonon Netflix. Plus, I have my cousin’s baby shower tomorrow. You want to head out with me?”

“Nah. I’ll stay for one more drink and make sure Tara’s good solo before I leave. I won’t be long. I’m meeting with a prospective client tomorrow.”

“Don’t tell me it’s the one who keeps on canceling? Allison Lalayne?”

“Fourth time’s a charm.”

“I wouldn’t give her the time of day.”

“She begged, and I’m a sucker for a desperate bride. Plus, she’s taking me to brunch at Mountain View Bistro.”

“You do love a good brunch. Let me know how tomorrow goes. I can’t wait until we get the keys to our new office. It’s gonna be a game changer when it comes to these meetings,” Jillian says, and we hug good night, promising to text each other when we get home. “Don’t stay out too late.”

I smile as Jillian walks through the crowd and out the door.

Not wanting to occupy a table for four all by myself, I make my way over to the bar, shimmying myself between coeds. There’s a country song playing overhead and a line dance happening on the dance floor. It looks like fun, albeit a little silly. People dancing in sync is not my thing.

“Vodka soda with a lime.” I speak loudly so the bartender can hear me over the music.

He slides my drink to me. I slip a ten across the bar and turn around, only to collide with the strong chest of a man.

Navy tee that hugs his torso, light jeans that cling to strong thighs, and boots—construction, not cowboy.

“Excuse me,” I say as I go to scoot around him, but when my eyes travel north, I inhale sharply.