Page 69 of The Chosen Two

“Well, Sir, I think we can all agree that there is nothing particularly usual about the current Guardian situation.” I pause, expecting some kind of response, but I am met with nothing but icy stares and silence. I clear my throat to buy myself a moment. Even though the league does not like being told anything, I remind myself that this is all for Miranda, so I take a deep breath and continue. “On that note, I’m here to tell you that, in light of recent events, Mir—The Guardian has demanded that her husband be brought into the training as well.”

Muffled chaos ensues. Conversations—no, arguments—break out across the row of usually composed-to-a-fault men. Miranda would love to see the uproar she has caused. I allow myself a brief smile because I know none of them are looking at me anyway. But I haven’t said everything yet, so I replace my smile with the impassive expressive I usually keep around them and clear my throat, loudly. They quiet down a bit, enough for me to speak strongly over them.

“I demand you find a counselor you trust for them. Miranda and Jake have a lot of healing to do, and they can’t expect any marriage counselor to help them work through one of them being kidnapped and ostensibly raped by a bunch of goddesses or the other unknowingly having sex with a demon.”

Once again, I’m met with silence. The only expression I can read is Perry’s, and that’s because his eyes are silently screaming, “How dare you!” from his position of prestige. But, thanks to my time thus far with Miranda, I know who has the power in this situation. Miranda is all they have. They can replace me, but they won’t ever be able to control her the way they’re used to, so why bother.

Finally, Perry speaks. “This is unheard of. Then again, as you said, nothing about any of this is particularly usual. The League will honor the request to train Jake Gold, provided that you, George Keating, are willing to take the additional responsibility on yourself.”

I nod to show I am.

Perry clicks his tongue. “Very well. As for the other matter, we need time to collect some trusted options for The Guardian to choose from.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I bow my head slightly. If we were in the dojo, I would have to bow completely to show my respect, so I’m used to the idea of the bow. However, I don’t feel any great respect for the League, and that makes bowing at all harder for me, but I fake it well enough.

“If that is all, George, you are dismissed. We wish you luck with your…Chosen… Two.” He gives me a smug smile.

I wish I could hurricane kick that look right off his face, but I have a feeling that would not be well received. Instead, I thank them for their time, turn around, and walk out my head held high and a smile on my lips.

I have a feeling this is the beginning of something truly beautiful.