He folded his hands on my chest and leaned his chin on them, looking up at me. “I’m sorry if it’s too personal, but do you mind my asking why you don’t do casual sex? I mean, I don’t really do it either, but that’s just because I haven’t found the time. But the concept makes sense. We all have urges, so it’s only natural to satisfy them, right?”
I offered him a sad smile. It was personal, and it wasn’t something I usually told people, but I didn’t mind telling Jordan. I felt like he’d shared so much of himself with me, it was only fair to give him a piece of myself in return. “My omega father never wanted me. I was the product of a one-night stand gone wrong. He dropped me off on my dad’s doorstep, saying, ‘Now he’s your problem.’”
Jordan’s expression had turned to one of shock and pity. “That’s… awful! I’m so sorry.”
I shrugged. “I’m over it, have been for a long time. My dad really stepped up, even though he was older and knew it was going to be difficult. He made sure I felt loved and wanted, and while I’m sure it was no picnic for him, he did the best he could for me.”Until the day he died. My eyes burned with unshed tears, but I locked them down right quick. Grief had no place here. I would allow myself to feel it later.
Jordan worried his lip between his teeth. “I guess I can understand why you would be against casual sex now, and why you were annoyed about my characters always forgetting the condoms too.”
I could see by the way his eyes skittered away that he somehow felt guilty, as if he were the one who had abandoned me as a baby. “Hey,” I said, coaxing his gaze back to me. “Your characters are always fated mates, so the pregnancy brings them together as they were meant to be. It always works out in the end. And it worked out for me too. I happen to think I turned out just fine.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, but he was still deep in thought. “When I was growing up, my parents were an awful example of romance. They seemed to hate each other more and more with each passing day, but they stayed together because of me. I grew up believing that kids ruined everything.”
Now it was my turn to get hit with pity. “Aw, shit, I’m sorry. That’s not a good environment for a kid.”
He sighed and gave me a sad smile. “It’s okay. I eventually learned that most relationships are a lot less dysfunctional than theirs was. I think that’s why I like writing about fated romance. It’s like a big fuck-you to my parents.”
“I hope one day you find the man who changes your mind about relationships,” I said, secretly wishing it could’ve been me.
“But… if you so obviously want a relationship, then why aren’t you in one?”
The laugh burst out of me before I had a chance to stop it, jostling Jordan where he was propped against my chest. “As if it’s as easy as that!”
He frowned. “It is as easy as that. You’re pretty much the perfect man.”
“Well, I’m not exactly going to meet many eligible bachelors my own age at the retirement center,” I said, chuckling.
“Fair point,” he said, his own smile peeking out. “But you could go on a dating app or go to a bar.”
I shook my head. “No, I think I would prefer to wait. It’ll happen when it’s meant to.” I booped his nose. “That’s one thing about your books that I wish I could believe in. Fate. It’s a beautiful concept.”
Jordan quirked a brow at me. “Fate is one of those things I throw in for the fans. I think it’s bullshit.”
“Hey!” I mock scolded. “And here I was holding out hope.” I tickled his sides and set him squirming on top of me, which only served to get me hard all over again.
He groaned when the thick head of my cock brushed over his ass. “We should do something about that,” he declared. “Come on, let’s go take a shower. I want to lather you up and come up with new adjectives to describe your perfect body.”
He kicked off the blankets and headed for the bathroom. I loved his little saunter, his ass still glistening with slick. He seemed more confident this morning, more assertive, and less self-conscious about his body.
I followed him like a dog on a leash, entirely obedient. I liked feeling owned by him.
Walking into the bathroom, I was rewarded by the most delectable view of Jordan bent over as he fiddled with the shower dial. “How does this work? The water’s cold.”
I nudged him out of the way and leaned in to check what he’d done wrong. “What are you talking about? It feels hot to me.” I jerked up straight with a gasp when I felt something wet on my ass. “What are you going?” I asked, looking down at where Jordan was bent over, his tongue on my butt cheek.
“Don’t mind me,” Jordan said. “I just had this dream of licking the dimple in your ass.”
“You could have just asked,” I snarked, smirking.
I climbed into the shower, bringing Jordan with me, and as promised, he lathered me up head to toe. He was obviously inexperienced, but with a bit of guidance, he improved by leaps and bounds. He was an eager student, to say the least. Using his hands and mouth, he traced over every inch of my body, whispering words like, “Alluring, enticing, tempting, seductive,” until he filled his mouth with my cock and couldn’t speak anymore. His moans, however, as he worked at my shaft, made me think he was coming up with new words for mymember.
With my fingers tangled in his wet curls, I cried out, emptying myself down his throat. I felt his mouth moving as he swallowed it down, then he cleaned any remaining drops from my tip with his tongue. The steam and hot water made me lightheaded, and I braced myself against the tiles. “Shit, Jordan. You’re in the wrong profession,” I teased.
He laughed and blushed at the compliment. “I have to say, writing about sex and having it are entirely different things.”
“Oh yeah? I never would’ve guessed.”
He splashed water in my face. “Smartass.”