Page 11 of Room 1212

And so, I had created the most epic love stories I could come up with, centered around a hot alpha who could pleasure his omega just by thinking of it. He was never a disappointment. He always knew what to say, what to do, always knew what his omega needed. The alpha always came to the rescue.

I could do with a little rescuing myself…

So, now that I was trying to write something a little closer to reality, what was I supposed to do when I knew surprisingly little? Maybe I needed to do some research…

And after taking a few wrong turns on the internet, that was how I found myself gawking, slack-jawed, unable to look away, as an omega in a bunny costume got drilled in the ass by an alpha in a wolf costume.

I don’t think this is the kind of “fresh” Sean’s looking for…



Mostworkdaysduringthesummer, I ate my lunch in the courtyard at the senior center, but today was one of those cold, drizzly days that chilled you right down to your bones. I was craving a hot coffee and a warm bowl of soup.

There was a coffee shop just a few blocks away, but I wasn’t willing to walk on a day like today. For all I knew, this drizzle could turn into a downpour, and I wasn’t keen on finishing the workday wearing the gym clothes in my trunk. I scored a parking spot out front, and when I made the dash to the front door, I found the inside of the café was packed, every table taken.

Shit. Looks like everyone had the same idea today.

It was warm, and while I’d been hoping for somewhere quiet, it was filled with the chatter of customers and staff. Looked like I would have to get my food to-go.

I stood in line to wait my turn. I could hear a couple staff members chatting behind the counter while making the coffees. The woman asked her coworker, “So, how did your blind date go last night?”

He shrugged. “I thought it was going well, but when it came time to say good night, he made it pretty clear what I felt was one-sided.”

“Aw, I’m sorry.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I just went home and read the new Jordan Kepler book instead.”

She laughed. “Just as well. Probably hotter that way.” She waggled her eyebrows, and they both giggled.

I nearly groaned in frustration. Gods, everywhere I turned, it was Jordan this, Jordan that. Why couldn’t I escape him? In truth, it was my guilt I was trying to run away from. I’d given serious thought to sending him an apology by way of his email address that I found online, but I reasoned that he was too famous to read his own email. He probably got loads of fan mail every day and had an assistant to weed through it all. There was no way my apology would get to him. When the guilt continued to nag at me, though, I figured that even if he never received my apology, at least I would’ve unburdened myself, but by the time I finally decided to send it, too much time had passed, and it would’ve just been awkward.

“What can I get you?” the man behind the register asked when it was my turn.

“Can I get a large coffee, a Denver sandwich, and a bowl of your tomato herb soup, please?”

When I turned away from the counter, food packaged to-go, I felt the strangest prickling sensation on the back of my neck. Frowning, I turned to look behind me—just in time to catch someone hurriedly ducking behind an open laptop.

Was someone watching me? Weird… But when I made to leave, I found my feet planted to the floor. I stood there staring at the top of the peeper’s head. Sure, they were suspicious, but more than that, there was something familiar about that blond hair. I let my eyes trail down to what I could see of them beneath the table, and it twigged a memory of a man sitting at a table like this, wearing shoes just like those.

No, it can’t be…

He must’ve thought the coast was clear, because he peeked over the top of his open laptop again, and there was no question whose blue eyes those were. They widened in panic as we locked gazes.

Jordan Kepler.

My palms began to sweat. What were the chances? My heartrate picked up as I found myself face to face with the source of my guilt, and I nearly turned tail and ran. I gulped, my throat tight and my stomach gurgling.Don’t be a coward, I told myself.Just apologize and be done with it.

Jordan’s eyes seemed to get larger when he realized I was coming over to his table. He was even more attractive than I remembered. He was dressed down in jeans and a t-shirt today, and the relaxed look suited him.

When I found myself in front of him, he had to tip his chin up to maintain eye contact. I saw a muscle in his jaw ticking as he ground his teeth together. “Please tell me you didn’t come over here to insult me again,” he muttered. “I don’t think my ego can handle any more.” So much for him forgetting about me. It seemed he’d been thinking about it as much as I had.

“No, actually. I just… wanted to… apologize.” Why was it so hard to say that?

His brows went up in surprise. “Oh?”

“Yes. I shouldn’t have said any of those things to you. It wasn’t my place, and I really am sorry if I hurt your feelings.”