Page 7 of Monster's Prey

Her soft words made my breath catch before I let out a curse. I’d forgotten human vision was weaker than mine, and her eyes couldn’t pierce the dark.

Taking her hand, I pulled her to the wall and placed her fingers against it so she would know she was safe.

“Remain here.”

Though I felt her tremble, she stayed put, with her palm pressed to the rock as I stepped away. I had no idea what the inside of a human home looked like, but I knew they used fire for cooking and light, so I went to the nook where I made my cookfire and knelt to provide my omega what she needed.

It didn’t take long to get a flame, and I added an extra log to be sure it burned bright enough for her to see the whole cavern. I wanted her to feel comfortable enough to nest, as her instincts would soon drive her to do.

Nala looked around as the flames rose. They cast a warm glow on her dusky golden skin, burnishing her dark hair with a red tint that sparkled off the grey we shared. Neither of us were new to life, and I thanked the gods for providing an omega already experienced in the world. I was too old to want a mate young enough to be my offspring.

Nala didn’t give much attention to the cave, but her gaze locked on the far corner where I slept. There was a natural depression in the stone from a small stream that came through the back wall. It had changed directions in the centuries before I claimed the space, pooling in the opposite corner, leaving a perfect nesting place close to fresh water to keep her hydrated. Furs I had collected over the years lined the rock, piled deep to provide cushion and warmth in the cave’s chill when I didn’t have a fire.

I rose, drawing her focus.

“You may move now.”

She was perfect in her obedience.

Taking two steps toward me, her head turned back to the corner, and I could practically see her need to go to it. To follow her instincts.


I grinned, letting a fresh purr rumble from my chest. The firelight sparkled off the glimpses of her wet thighs beneath the edge of her covering, and my groin tightened in response. Having her in my den had me fighting the urge to pounce, but she needed time to prepare. Her body wasn’t ready yet.

“Go, Nala. Ready our nest.”

Her dark gaze swung back to mine, hesitating before she dropped it and shuffled toward the corner. I followed, my purr increasing when she stopped at the edge of the depression.

I knew it had to be hard for her, making a nest for another alpha after losing her mate, but her instincts would drive her to do what was needed. Once I claimed her, things would be easier.

For both of us.

Chapter Five


Iwas torn.

I wanted to obey. My body urged me to do what Av’dag ordered, but my brain had caught on the phrase he’d used, flooding me with guilt.

“Go, Nala. Ready our nest.”

It was what Nearden told me each time he sensed my heat approaching.

“Perhaps this time we will be blessed.”

It had taken four years before he’d given up on the second part. I’d blamed myself until his illness became apparent, stealing his vitality as it spread through his body.

This time, you might have a chance,my mind whispered.

The prospect both excited and terrified me. I had no idea if it was possible for me to carry the monster’s young, nor what would happen to me if I did. He was so much larger, and while I knew most horned beasts were born with nothing more than nubs, the thought was still intimidating.


I shook my head. Standing at the edge of his pile of furs, I sucked in a deep breath and steeled myself to take that final step, but a large hand landed on my shoulder before I could.

Heat seared my back as Av’dag pressed against me, my core responding with a deep clench of need. I had no idea how he’d react to my hesitance, and for a moment, fear stole my breath.