Page 19 of Monster's Hunt

I drew in a deep breath, searching for a hint of water while trying to ignore the scent of her and the heat flaring through my body. My cock didn’t care that the omega was hurt, just that she was in my arms, her softness pressed against me.

It was still morning, and though we’d been walking for a while, I didn’t think we were close to her home yet. I would have tried to get her there to care for her foot, but I couldn’t wait that long to check the wound.

My nose led us to a wide stream lined with grass, and I sat her on the ground beside it, close enough to dunk her foot in. Ivy’s face was pale and drawn, her lips pinched tight to hold back the whimpers of pain that still occasionally leaked through, and I couldn’t help purring for her.

Slipping my pack off, I dropped it on the bank and gripped her ankle, dipping her foot into the water. I was careful not to let it touch anything beneath the surface that might dirty the wound.

The bottom of her foot had been coated in blood, but once I washed it away with gentle swishes, I could see the punctures where the thorns had entered her flesh. Only two were deep and still oozing blood, going through the meat of her foot at the base of her middle toes.

It was the first time I’d seen a human foot, and I was almost distracted by her cute little clawless toes. She had more than I, but perhaps it was because they were so tiny that she needed the extra.

Pulling my focus back, I lifted my gaze to hers.

“I need to be sure the thorns aren’t still inside.”

Her chin trembled but she nodded, sucking in a deep breath. I was as careful as I could be, using the pads of my fingers to press beside the wounds to be sure I couldn’t feel anything hard lodged inside where it shouldn’t be. I let out a relieved sigh when I didn’t feel or see anything.

“It’s fine. I’m going to stop the bleeding and wrap it up now.”

Ivy remained silent but nodded again. I knew she was fighting the urge to cry, and I had to admit I was surprised that she hadn’t given in.

She was tougher than she looked.

Ripping clean strips of soft hide from one of my pelts, I laid them over my thigh as I shifted to place her heel on my knee. Keeping hold of her ankle, I leaned down and lapped over the punctures, the taste of her blood singing across my taste buds.

The little omega hissed, jerking her leg in reaction to the sensation of my tongue on her. Meeting her eyes, I dragged my tongue along the bottom of her toes again, watching her cheeks flush pink as she twitched in my grip.

“What are you…”

She tailed off, her words turning into a whine as the tip of my tongue slipped between her toes. The scent of slick hit my nose and my shaft twitched, knowing it was because of my touch.

I finally lifted my head and began wrapping the strips of hide around her foot, reminding myself she was hurt and not purposely trying to entice me.

“An alpha’s saliva stops bleeding and speeds healing, just like an omega’s does. Otherwise, claiming bites would take much longer to heal.”

Her mouth was hanging open as I tied it off the strips around her ankle.


I couldn’t help my smirk as I rose, her gaze going straight to the ridged shaft standing proud in front of her. Her tongue darted out, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth as her throat worked, before she jerked her head to the side.

“We can make camp here for a day or two for you to rest.”


Ivy shook her head and struggled to stand without using her foot. Putting a hand on her shoulder, I stopped her as a quiet growl rippled from my chest.

“You’re hurt. You can’t walk, or it’ll keep bleeding.”

The tears I’d seen building finally spilled as she drew in a stuttering breath.

“I have to get home. I can’t wait or they’ll find out I left.”

The panic in her voice made my chest tighten, my claws digging into my hands as they fisted at my sides. The thought of her family finding her missing was terrifying to her, and from what she’d said earlier, I knew it wasn’t because they would be concerned.

This was fear of punishment.

Of pain.